Cyvus wrote:So, Discipline fits snugly in 10m this tier?
Well, I'm feeling pretty awesome right now.
Cyvus wrote:Were you not satisfied with going for the newest Renew haste threshold?
It turned out I'd find myself going Discipline all the way through Heart of Fear, so off the haste came.
Cyvus wrote:Aside from Will of the Emperor, do you feel Holy has a place on any fight in particular on heroic?
Since the latest Disci hotfixes, Holy is definitely the underdog of the two. HoF didn't give it a lot of room to shine, but Terrace is looking like a better fit.
Cyvus wrote:Have you formulated any thoughts on any other healing classes at this time?
Monks are the talk of the town right now with log rankings getting cited left and right, but they're really just a flashy feel-good healer; their scaling is poor and their control worse, but they sure know how to make themselves look good out of the gates. Ideal for whipping up a storm of balance drama, but not what I want in my raid.
Cyvus wrote:When will you admit Rainbow Dash is the only pony worth being a fan of?
You're right. This has been corrected post-haste.