Hi, forgive me if i seem a bit unintelligent. My question is should i drop some haste, or should i stay with what i have and get the valor trinket to get the 2nd tick on dp. Being 3200 haste rating. My reforging might just be awful. I took a long break from the game and just recently returned so i would greatly appreciate if you could help me out in any way possible, thank you very much and GL on progression!
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... les/simple
- Posts: 32
Re: @Xenophics
- Posts: 28
First of all, your armory link isn't working. Generally the trinket for Valor Points is worse than anything that drops in Dragon Soul, even in LFR mode. For some general information (also about reforging) I'd reccomend this guide: http://www.shadowpriest.com/viewtopic.p ... 03&start=0
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