hi, i been reading all about shadow priests.. stats etc. i have decent gear.. i do 13k with my own buffs on dummy, but i think i can do much better with the gear i have. . my rotation is VP, SWP,DP and mind flay..
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... dow/simple
i need an advice. thanks.
DPS shadow priest
DPS shadow priest
- Posts: 1
Re: DPS shadow priest
- Posts: 551
Meh, these kind of posts are very hard to answer to. What kind of numbers you push out on dummies is very different to the reality in raids when you have all the buffs (including di) and you need to move, so I don't really get the big påicture from your dummy dps value. Also, you said you "need advice" overall, so I decided to start with your armory profile. After seeing the reforging of some of the items I suggest you take a look at
http://www.shadowpriest.com/viewtopic.p ... 03&start=0
It should answer all the questions you have in mind at the moment, and many more. Basically, check the reforging part, gearing part (haste breakpoints) and enchant part. If you come up with more questions, most of them have been answered on shadowpriest.com forums.
http://www.shadowpriest.com/viewtopic.p ... 03&start=0
It should answer all the questions you have in mind at the moment, and many more. Basically, check the reforging part, gearing part (haste breakpoints) and enchant part. If you come up with more questions, most of them have been answered on shadowpriest.com forums.
2 posts -