So with the recent changes to disc getting a major buff to PW: S and then Holy getting the nerf to Prayer of Healing. I was wondering how well disc matches up to holy in comparison on other fights. I went disc last night for the first time and was destroying everyone on Cho'gall. Guild is only 9/12 normal for 25s and 11/12 for 10s.
I also wanted to ask in 10m Nefarian we run HPal, RDruid, and me having only did attempts as holy. P2 seems to be a major issue with me not being able to keep up with healing because either Heal just doesn't heal for enough or FoL, Greater Heal, Binding Heal, rapes my mana. I was wondering if maybe disc would be the better route for the fight just PW:S everyone on the platform and heal with atonement.
Patch 4.0.6 Holy vs. DIsc
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Patch 4.0.6 Holy vs. DIsc
- Posts: 1
Re: Patch 4.0.6 Holy vs. DIsc
- Posts: 3
they overbuffed PW:S so much that at the moment Disc is way superior, now let's watch untill that gets nerfed to the ground. And this counts for basicly any fight atm. (Don't stack 3disc priests though, for obvious reasons)
Re: Patch 4.0.6 Holy vs. DIsc
- Posts: 390
Holy never found a place in the encounter even before the breaking of the Shield.
P2 is answered by Discipline with PW:S, Archangel, and self-Penance on cooldown, filling the gaps with Smite.
P2 is answered by Discipline with PW:S, Archangel, and self-Penance on cooldown, filling the gaps with Smite.
Re: Patch 4.0.6 Holy vs. DIsc
- Posts: 7
Question to Jhazrun:
Hi there, as far as I can see is that you go along with 8 points in holy. The raidsetup in my guild usualy consists of 2-3 resto shamans so I thought skipping the 2 points in Inspiration und put 3 Points in Darkness might be a good choice!
Another question concerning raid glyphs:
Which ones do you prefer? With patch 4.0.6 Glyph of Power Word: Shield seems to be a no brainer but I'm not sure about the other two. I'm not the player who sticks to one spell (eg. PW:S) so I always often use PoH and for that the PoH Glyph is a good choice. On the other side I like to stick with Penance and for heal pushs through the Barrier the Glyph is also a must. But there are only 2 places for 3 glyphs left! Any tips?
Hi there, as far as I can see is that you go along with 8 points in holy. The raidsetup in my guild usualy consists of 2-3 resto shamans so I thought skipping the 2 points in Inspiration und put 3 Points in Darkness might be a good choice!
Another question concerning raid glyphs:
Which ones do you prefer? With patch 4.0.6 Glyph of Power Word: Shield seems to be a no brainer but I'm not sure about the other two. I'm not the player who sticks to one spell (eg. PW:S) so I always often use PoH and for that the PoH Glyph is a good choice. On the other side I like to stick with Penance and for heal pushs through the Barrier the Glyph is also a must. But there are only 2 places for 3 glyphs left! Any tips?
Re: Patch 4.0.6 Holy vs. DIsc
- Posts: 3
Ridance wrote:Question to Jhazrun:
Hi there, as far as I can see is that you go along with 8 points in holy. The raidsetup in my guild usualy consists of 2-3 resto shamans so I thought skipping the 2 points in Inspiration und put 3 Points in Darkness might be a good choice!
Another question concerning raid glyphs:
Which ones do you prefer? With patch 4.0.6 Glyph of Power Word: Shield seems to be a no brainer but I'm not sure about the other two. I'm not the player who sticks to one spell (eg. PW:S) so I always often use PoH and for that the PoH Glyph is a good choice. On the other side I like to stick with Penance and for heal pushs through the Barrier the Glyph is also a must. But there are only 2 places for 3 glyphs left! Any tips?
Since 4.0.6, just nobrain PW:S on entire raid. Sad but true, you'll be topping meters with over 20k hps if there's sufficient incomming damage.
Re: Patch 4.0.6 Holy vs. DIsc
- Posts: 390
Ridance wrote:The raidsetup in my guild usualy consists of 2-3 resto shamans so I thought skipping the 2 points in Inspiration und put 3 Points in Darkness might be a good choice!
With patch 4.0.6 Glyph of Power Word: Shield seems to be a no brainer but I'm not sure about the other two.
Blanketing is regulated by mana only and benefits little from haste, though even less from Inspiration... Go for it; We'll know more on post-fix weightings later on.
PW:S, PW:B, and ProH are all mandatory.
Re: Patch 4.0.6 Holy vs. DIsc
- Posts: 3
Hello Jhazrun,
i often look at your armory profile and you often are Holy, does it mean you find it better than disc at the moment?
in wich case you prefer disc to holy? (in HM content)
thanks for your answer
i often look at your armory profile and you often are Holy, does it mean you find it better than disc at the moment?
in wich case you prefer disc to holy? (in HM content)
thanks for your answer
Re: Patch 4.0.6 Holy vs. DIsc
- Posts: 390
It's quite rare for the two to actually find themselves head-to-head. Most encounters feature mechanics which explicitly determine the one to bring in. Al'Akir, for example, allows no Atonement healing, leaving Holy as one's go-to. He's also the boss we wrap up our weekly clear with, and the profile sits intact for the rest of the week.
Re: Patch 4.0.6 Holy vs. DIsc
- Posts: 3
thx for yout reply.
So you associate disc with archangel/attonement? since the last patch i do not use archangel/attonement , do you think i make a mistake?
So you associate disc with archangel/attonement? since the last patch i do not use archangel/attonement , do you think i make a mistake?
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