Zhinn and Jhazrun,
I was looking at the logs for your Sinestra kill, and you guys were able to put up some eye popping numbers! After looking at your armories, I have a question for you regarding haste.
A lot of people have suggested that haste needs to be at 12.5% for holy, but I notice that neither of you reach that number. Jhazrun in particular has really low haste compared to many holy priests I've seen. Obviously it's not a problems for you guys, but many consider this essential and I was wondering how your style differs to make it not as important.
Thank you!
Haste question for the healing priests
Re: Haste question for the healing priests
- Posts: 50
12.5% raid buffed for 5th tick of Renew.
According the the armory Jhazrun currently has 5.22% + 3% from talents + 5% raid buff = 13.22 % .
According the the armory Jhazrun currently has 5.22% + 3% from talents + 5% raid buff = 13.22 % .
Re: Haste question for the healing priests
- Posts: 5
Oh yes. They have a Shaman. My ten man guild doesn't have one who is regularly there so that would be why I didn't think of that!
Re: Haste question for the healing priests
- Posts: 50
Not only shaman, but since 4.0.1 shadow priests and moonkins also provide the said buff to the raid.
Re: Haste question for the healing priests
- Posts: 68
I personally feel that haste allows you to heal people up fast. Mastery allows you to heal people up slower, but more efficiently. With current content, there some places where slow and efficient heals are enough, but alot of places where it isnt.
Thats basically why I have changed from almost full mastery reforging and mastery items to prefer haste reforging and haste items. With my current gear and 0-2 mana tides per boss fight, I can easily support my haste preference. To sum it up with some numbers off the top of my head, I would prefer to get more mastery with =<359 gear and haste with >359 gear.
Thats basically why I have changed from almost full mastery reforging and mastery items to prefer haste reforging and haste items. With my current gear and 0-2 mana tides per boss fight, I can easily support my haste preference. To sum it up with some numbers off the top of my head, I would prefer to get more mastery with =<359 gear and haste with >359 gear.
Re: Haste question for the healing priests
- Posts: 390
With all odds, said low values were gathered as we had already turned to Al'Akir. Much of my Haste of Sintharia's had since been reforged into Mastery to better meet the demands of a different encounter.
Re: Haste question for the healing priests
- Posts: 9
I see a lot of priests stacking haste or mastery so far that they basically ignore the other stat, and they are in blues. They go all out haste or mastery. I was led to believe that 12.5% was important, but I also knew stacking mastery was important. I have really been looking for a clearcut answer, and I think I finally found it. Now that I know this first 12.5% threshold is based on raid buffed haste, I can definately go back and figure out where my haste needs to be right now, and get the most mastery I can on my character while still getting the extra tick of renew. I still see more haste as being a good thing, but its probably safe to assume that with the current gear level, its not time to start thinking about this just yet. I can see the <359 vs >359 assessment being extreemely accurate, just adding up the stats and comparing a slew of different characters on the armory.
7 posts -