holy or disc?
holy or disc?
- Posts: 2
hi, i was just wondering if disc is actually viable for cataclysm...seems to me that disc spells cost too much mana and not enough heals for raid healing, I started using holy and it seems a little better for heals...so i was just wondering if discipline is actually worth using now.
Re: holy or disc?
- Posts: 68
Your spec should depend on the boss fight. Overall I feel that holy is better in more fights than disci, but for example on Chimaeron disci is like 100 times better. If you absolutely have to choose only 1 spec, go with holy since it is better overall.
Re: holy or disc?
- Posts: 390
Discipline is nothing if not the go-to choice for ten-man raiding. Barrier also provides exclusive utility invaluable in many 25-man encounters.
3 posts -