Question for Zhinn and Jhazrun about disc spec.

Question for Zhinn and Jhazrun about disc spec.

Post 30 Dec 2010 02:50

Avatar Chappsa
Posts: 3
Hi Zhinn!
I want to know how useful on raids are disco atonement priests? On what bosses you use that spec and how do you play with that? (are you spamming smites, using penance, pom, inner focus everytime, or spamming poh like most disco priest on WoL, or u just stack 5x evangelism to get 15% healing buff and smart mana restore? I srsly don't know how to use that spec properly, was thinkin about that a lot but atleast I chose holy spec!^^)
Well I think holy is better and more useful spec than disc, am I wrong?
I'm curious, please tell me, it's important for me :)
Ohh and one thing, do you use renew a lot? I'm trying to keep it always on the tanks and for example on 3rd phase Ascendant Council with Chakra: Sanctuary I'm using renew on every raid member (10 man) or it's better to spam PoH and CoH?

Best regards,

Re: Question for Zhinn and Jhazrun about disc spec.

Post 07 Jan 2011 00:10

Avatar roy
Posts: 2
I also would love to know your thoughts. Thank you.

Re: Question for Zhinn and Jhazrun about disc spec.

Post 26 Jan 2011 07:17

User avatarJhazrun
Posts: 390
There's only so much I can tell you regarding ten-man dynamics, but I certainly wouldn't go anywhere without Atonement & Co., making sure to keep fully-charged Archangel on cooldown.

Stay off Holy, and let it take ProM and Renew with it. They're no tools of Discipline.