Tanking advice
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Tanking advice
- Posts: 2
Hello, I am looking into raid tanking on my characters and am currently trying to decide on which one to do so on. I have all 4 tanking classes but I was wondering in your opinions on which one is easier to deal with from a healers perspective on healing and also which of the 4 if any bring more to the table. I know this is a question that is mostly up for differing opinions and I apologize for that lol. I realize some are better for AOE and others on single target and would just like a perspective from the tanks in your guild. Thank you all for any help/advice you can give me and have a pleasant day and happy holidays to come :-}
Re: Tanking advice
- Posts: 2
If u really have all 4 tanking classes you should know which one is easier to keep alive for healer.
Re: Tanking advice
- Posts: 75
There is no perfect "tanking class" they all play diffrently. It all comes down to which you'd like to play most, or which feels most confortable.
"The pigs are after me, after you. Run away, like it was yesterday, run away from here!" - MCR
Re: Tanking advice
- Posts: 57
Pillze wrote:Amazing, over 100 views and not 1 opinion?
Prot pala. They have Argent Defender which is awesome on big aoe spells that would otherwise kill you (obviously;), Lay on hands, hand of sacrifice, word of glory and Divine Guardian, tons of aoe healing with Holy Radience and can reset debuffs with Divine Shield and Hand of Protection. I feel like they heal as much as blood DKs do. especially with Seal of Insight. (which they ofcourse don't. Atleast not selfhealing)
Theres an opinion:) Enjoy.
Re: Tanking advice
- Posts: 75
Pillze wrote:Amazing, over 100 views and not 1 opinion?
I prefer the DK, because they are loads of fun, and can easily hold their own if the healer OOM's or dies, which, if your playing your threat right, should never happen. And there is my opinion.
"The pigs are after me, after you. Run away, like it was yesterday, run away from here!" - MCR
Re: Tanking advice
- Posts: 3
tankin is really simple, u just tab and spam taunt, gives u really nice agro and u should be able to keep all the monsters on you. On aoe pacs u really should use aoe skills, hehe obvious ;;);)
Re: Tanking advice
- Posts: 7
I would agree with zaqxswcd95, pick what ever you like to play the most :D I would take either pala or druid since they can be all roles ;)
Re: Tanking advice
- Posts: 54
Being a DK myself i'm obviuosly gonna point you towards the dk ;) for 1 DK's have the most cd's than other tanking classes for 2, the self healing that a dk can do is enough (in most cases) to keep you alive if healer goes oom/dies as already mentioned. Also DK's require some timing when using abilities such as Death strike to balance out the healing achieved from it and the absorb you get from it. DK all the way imo, even though druids are quite nice for extra deeps when needed ;D
Re: Tanking advice
- Posts: 40
I don't heal, and when I do it's on a druid (I've been told that doesn't count), so take what I say with that in mind. Also keep in mind that my primary tanking experience is on a DK.
I do tank on my DK, and I prefer that to other tanking classes. I enjoy the more active/reactive model than the passive mitigation that the other classes seem to use; and honestly, I'm not keen on shield tanks, as I prefer the less conventional methods.
I also rather enjoy the T13 4P bonus, as it allows me to help healers get the raid health up during heavy AoE periods (and RT glyph is nice for my party, also.)
I do tank on my DK, and I prefer that to other tanking classes. I enjoy the more active/reactive model than the passive mitigation that the other classes seem to use; and honestly, I'm not keen on shield tanks, as I prefer the less conventional methods.
I also rather enjoy the T13 4P bonus, as it allows me to help healers get the raid health up during heavy AoE periods (and RT glyph is nice for my party, also.)
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