Hey, maybe abit abvoius question what spec I should use on Spine and maybe Warmaster to.
I am progressing on both right now and I have gone full arcane just to get down drakes solo on 1 side and better burst on Spine. There is a few things i wonder about:
1: For maxs burst dps on drakes and burning tendons should i use Molten armour->mana shield/Mage Ward->VP trinket->arcanepower->managem->Engeneering handenchant->PoM
2: Should i glyph Motlen armor on Warmaster and Spine. In addition on Spine should i Glyph arcane barrage for coruption grip release?
3:Is there any trinkets that are preferable for burst dps, if that would be main problem?
4: What should i reforge to in a situatoin like this? would haste and crit surpass mastery in evry way?
5: Would we benefit more form 2 fire mages/ 1arcane mage+1 firemage/2 arcane mages?
6: Any tips on soaking Twilight barrage?
Settup: "2xmage, 2x SP, 1 SV hunter, 1x arms war, 1 RDruid, 2xpala tank, 1 Hpala"
atm 2 arcane mages
Main problem: soaking and bursting down drakes and tendons.
Thanks for reading my post, and thanks for any replys there may be.
Warmaster and Spine arcane or fire?
Re: Warmaster and Spine arcane or fire?
- Posts: 190
I have limited 10m experience for either fight, however, my experience has lead me to believe that Fire is better for gunship and Arcane is incontrovertibly best for Heroic Spine.
1. Switching to Molten Armor is a dps loss. The extra crit chance does not make up for the mana lost during the tendon phase. Keeping your mana higher will allow for mastery to benefit spells more. I do everything you do except that I use PoM before the tendon is up so that I can spam my target macro for it and begin hitting it immediately. Then I use all other CD's to continue burning it down.
2.Use Molten Armor as fire, but almost never as Arcane. Only on Sinestra do I ever use Molten Armor as Arcane.
2.1 I don't recommend it. The glyph doesn't help that much and depending on your stategy you might end up leaving people in the grips as my guild does. Leaving people gripped means there are less debuffs to heal and we found that it made the fight easier.
3. The PvP trinket (403) prides the most burst, but the Valor Trinket provides a better mix of amalgamation damage and tendon burst so I prefer to use that.
4. Mastery is the best to reforge for.
5. 2 Arcane mages on spine. Gunship shouldn't matter too much. You really can go either way, but because of the movement I like Fire better.
6. Pay attention, move in asap and have a good partner that also moves in.
Our group tanks the 2 melee adds near the right drake (from the cabin of the ship) and I Combustion spread on wave 1 and 3 and additionally melee dps can cleave the drake down on that side. Ranged dps focus on burning the drakes and soaking with one partner each and keep dots on both drakes. I've seen mages play arcane on gunship, but I seem to do equal to or more drake damage every week. I don't think arcane's burst solves all the problems especially with the great deal of movement.
I have limited 10m experience for either fight, however, my experience has lead me to believe that Fire is better for gunship and Arcane is incontrovertibly best for Heroic Spine.
1. Switching to Molten Armor is a dps loss. The extra crit chance does not make up for the mana lost during the tendon phase. Keeping your mana higher will allow for mastery to benefit spells more. I do everything you do except that I use PoM before the tendon is up so that I can spam my target macro for it and begin hitting it immediately. Then I use all other CD's to continue burning it down.
2.Use Molten Armor as fire, but almost never as Arcane. Only on Sinestra do I ever use Molten Armor as Arcane.
2.1 I don't recommend it. The glyph doesn't help that much and depending on your stategy you might end up leaving people in the grips as my guild does. Leaving people gripped means there are less debuffs to heal and we found that it made the fight easier.
3. The PvP trinket (403) prides the most burst, but the Valor Trinket provides a better mix of amalgamation damage and tendon burst so I prefer to use that.
4. Mastery is the best to reforge for.
5. 2 Arcane mages on spine. Gunship shouldn't matter too much. You really can go either way, but because of the movement I like Fire better.
6. Pay attention, move in asap and have a good partner that also moves in.
Our group tanks the 2 melee adds near the right drake (from the cabin of the ship) and I Combustion spread on wave 1 and 3 and additionally melee dps can cleave the drake down on that side. Ranged dps focus on burning the drakes and soaking with one partner each and keep dots on both drakes. I've seen mages play arcane on gunship, but I seem to do equal to or more drake damage every week. I don't think arcane's burst solves all the problems especially with the great deal of movement.
Re: Warmaster and Spine arcane or fire?
- Posts: 14
dont get me wrong, im not dissagreeing with guromin in any way, hes never wrong :P
Id just like to add that the burst from arcane will make your drakes much easier to take down on Gunship
Note though that if your burst on drakes isnt an issue (say for example your not as unlucky as me to have 2 melee) then fire is much more optimal for DPS, especially for ph2!
Hope i helped a little
Id just like to add that the burst from arcane will make your drakes much easier to take down on Gunship
Note though that if your burst on drakes isnt an issue (say for example your not as unlucky as me to have 2 melee) then fire is much more optimal for DPS, especially for ph2!
Hope i helped a little
Re: Warmaster and Spine arcane or fire?
- Posts: 7
Thanks for the sugestions for Warmaster and spine. I have another question considering a spam macro for spine
Should i proc Incanter's Absorption at nuclare blast or in the macro spam, or even use mana shield during the 18 sec?
Will the pvp trinket be ready on every Tendon or should i use VP trinket. I have engeneering, maybe i should use another trinket and not a use trinket?
This is what i use for macro now:
/tar boss2
/stopmacro [noexists]
/use 14
/cast Mana Gem
/cast Arcane Power
/cast Mirrior Image
/cast Arcane Blast
Fun:Is it posibel to down the tendon in 1 blow now with the 15% nerf?
Anyways i appreciate all the tips i can get to down this boss. tyty
Should i proc Incanter's Absorption at nuclare blast or in the macro spam, or even use mana shield during the 18 sec?
Will the pvp trinket be ready on every Tendon or should i use VP trinket. I have engeneering, maybe i should use another trinket and not a use trinket?
This is what i use for macro now:
/tar boss2
/stopmacro [noexists]
/use 14
/cast Mana Gem
/cast Arcane Power
/cast Mirrior Image
/cast Arcane Blast
Fun:Is it posibel to down the tendon in 1 blow now with the 15% nerf?
Anyways i appreciate all the tips i can get to down this boss. tyty
Re: Warmaster and Spine arcane or fire?
- Posts: 190
I have another question considering a spam macro for spine
Should i proc Incanter's Absorption at nuclare blast or in the macro spam, or even use mana shield during the 18 sec?
I use Mage Ward right before the explosion goes off and Mana Shield when he starts casting the explosion. In between I cast Arcane Blast. Then I use PoM and spam a target macro similar to what you have, but without the CD's in it. I wait and use the CD's during the 1 second GCD after using PoM. I would link my target macro, but your is better anyway and your CD's seem to be in order as well. The benefit you would get from changing to the way I do it is less than the benefit of getting one more crit on the tendon.
If tendon damage is an issue, use the PvP one (it will be ready for each tendon). If tendon damage isn't a huge problem, use the VP trinket. Use your engineering gloves to burn down Amalgamations or give you a tiny extra bit of damage on tendons if you need it. If the small minor difference has a chance of being make or break, use it, but if not use it on Amalgamations.
Fun:Is it posibel to down the tendon in 1 blow now with the 15% nerf?
When the 5% nerf was out I did the math and calculated that it would take 2 million damage from each player (17 dps) to burn a tendon down in one go. My record is 1.96 million damage in one tendon without Blood Lust or my Potion. Assuming every player is a strong dps class (rogue/mage/priest) it is possible to burn the first tendon down in one go and I'm sure it's even easier with the 15% nerf, but likely a harder strategy to execute unless you have the composition and dps for it.
Re: Warmaster and Spine arcane or fire?
- Posts: 1
Hi. First time poster, long time reader here.
For the tendon burn phase as arcane, do you use Flame orb or just spam AB after CDs?
Also, here is a link to my armory page. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/l ... ron/simple
If you wouldn't mind giving me your thoughts on gear etc... that would be great, but no worries if you're too busy.
Thanks for any help you can give. :)
For the tendon burn phase as arcane, do you use Flame orb or just spam AB after CDs?
Also, here is a link to my armory page. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/l ... ron/simple
If you wouldn't mind giving me your thoughts on gear etc... that would be great, but no worries if you're too busy.
Thanks for any help you can give. :)
Re: Warmaster and Spine arcane or fire?
- Posts: 190
I was never able to get Flame Orb to consistently hit the tendon so instead I used it as a dot to bring the Corruptions down and prevent grips during the Tendon's exposed period. I mainly just precast PM, spam a target macro for the tendon, pop CD's and spam Arcane Blast.
Cunning of the Cruel is not a good trinket choice unless you do not have anything else. The BiS trinkets are Will of the Unbinding and Insignia of the Corrupted Mind. Your reforging looks fairly accurate. You could improve it a little bit more and maximize your mastery for Arcane with WowReforge.com but for the most part it looks good.
For the tendon burn phase as arcane, do you use Flame orb or just spam AB after CDs?
I was never able to get Flame Orb to consistently hit the tendon so instead I used it as a dot to bring the Corruptions down and prevent grips during the Tendon's exposed period. I mainly just precast PM, spam a target macro for the tendon, pop CD's and spam Arcane Blast.
Cunning of the Cruel is not a good trinket choice unless you do not have anything else. The BiS trinkets are Will of the Unbinding and Insignia of the Corrupted Mind. Your reforging looks fairly accurate. You could improve it a little bit more and maximize your mastery for Arcane with WowReforge.com but for the most part it looks good.
Re: Warmaster and Spine arcane or fire?
- Posts: 7
Thanks for reading my post and replying it aswell. I have a problem with my macro during tendonphase where MI seams to targeting whatever else but the tendon it self. Anything i should be aware of?
We manage to almost blow tendon down in 1 blow on last platform. 12%-- I guess it was bad RNG. some etemtemt we actualy managed to get it to 15 % without hero or pot just CD. I wonder if it is a technic you use to plan your internal CD to go off 40 sec before tendon?
I wonder also in my current gear 26.04.2011-> 28.04.2011 if i should consider less haste and more crit?
I have 2 items i can change out. [Gloves of Liquid Smoke] Normal and [Mosswrought Shoulderguards] Heroic i also have the VP neck but considering the SP increas i guees its out of the question.
Anyway thanks for the help earlier, i read your post on EJ and I consider it to be one of the best mage threads there yet.
We manage to almost blow tendon down in 1 blow on last platform. 12%-- I guess it was bad RNG. some etemtemt we actualy managed to get it to 15 % without hero or pot just CD. I wonder if it is a technic you use to plan your internal CD to go off 40 sec before tendon?
I wonder also in my current gear 26.04.2011-> 28.04.2011 if i should consider less haste and more crit?
I have 2 items i can change out. [Gloves of Liquid Smoke] Normal and [Mosswrought Shoulderguards] Heroic i also have the VP neck but considering the SP increas i guees its out of the question.
Anyway thanks for the help earlier, i read your post on EJ and I consider it to be one of the best mage threads there yet.
8 posts -