Hello Guromin. i'd like your advice on a trinket question.
is it true that although there is a BIS list, rankings of trinkets can still change with regards to the fight as well as what other gear i possess?
anyway, my guild raids casually, so every week we just clear DS on normal. so for this reason, i stay as arcane as it's a "lazier" spec. in my possession i have insignia of the corrupted mind, cunning of the cruel, and will of unbinding.
i believe will of unbinding is definitely first choice, but for the other slot, which one should i use and why?
oh here's my armory for your reference
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... o/advanced
edit: include armory link
DS trinkets
DS trinkets
- Posts: 1
Re: DS trinkets
- Posts: 14
Guromin posted this on another thread in the Mage forum. I believe it's still current since no changes were made to arcane in 4.3.2
The values of the trinkets may vary slightly from fight to fight, but not much. It appears it may be beneficial to use cunning of AoE fights such as Yorsahj or Blackhorn. I'm assuming this figures were taken for single target encounters.
Unfortunately all the encounters where cunning shines, Fire is miles ahead of Arcane in damage. If you were to run fire, insignia is tremendously better then cunning.
The values of the trinkets may vary slightly from fight to fight, but not much. It appears it may be beneficial to use cunning of AoE fights such as Yorsahj or Blackhorn. I'm assuming this figures were taken for single target encounters.
Unfortunately all the encounters where cunning shines, Fire is miles ahead of Arcane in damage. If you were to run fire, insignia is tremendously better then cunning.
Re: DS trinkets
- Posts: 190
These charts were made by a user on the MMO Champion forums specifically for mages. The only other spec I know of with a chart like this is for Fire Mages. There are, however, a plethora of other ways of acquiring information on what trinket is best for any given class or spec. Often times there is a thread or comment in the Elitist Jerk's compendiums containing this information.
These charts were made by a user on the MMO Champion forums specifically for mages. The only other spec I know of with a chart like this is for Fire Mages. There are, however, a plethora of other ways of acquiring information on what trinket is best for any given class or spec. Often times there is a thread or comment in the Elitist Jerk's compendiums containing this information.
4 posts -