something doesent seem right here, i have decent gear and i do decent dps, but i think i should be able to push more with my gear. burnphase i burn to 35-40% mana and pop all my cooldowns, after i reach low mana i evo. and after that the normal AB x4 and AM. and also i see on other mages they have sick haste like 1.2sec after the third AB and i only have 1.5sec why is that?
armory: ... eft/simple
something is very very wrong here..
Re: something is very very wrong here..
- Posts: 190
After looking over your gear, which is overall decent, I have identified some flaws that are inhibiting your ability to perform at your potential. It should be obvious that an Arcane Mage's rotation is very simplistic so I will clearly state now that I do not think that is your problem.
First and foremost, I recommend you use the program Rawr to aid you in deciding what trinkets to use, because Rune of Zeth is not a great choice. This program will also assist you in reforging so that you can reach soft haste cap without needing to know the math behind it. After using Rawr it can be helpful to run Simulation Craft to verify the results you received from rawr are indeed an increase. Do not intemperate the date from Simulation Craft as a marker for exactly how much damage you should be able to do on any given fight. Simulation Craft assumes, be default, that there are no adds, movement or other special abilities to the fight that would influence your damage (eg. 80% initial damage reduction on Rhyolith's legs). When interpreting results from Simulation Craft I compare them to my damage on Baleroc with hopes of being within 1-2k of result. The movement will decrease your damage a little bit, but in total Baleroc will be the most similar to Simulation Craft's result.
If you are not familiar with the World Of Logs, you should check it out. World of Logs provides logs from others who have completed the fights and ranks people based on damage. Analyzing these logs can help you to understand what is making them succeed. Believe me when I say it is not just about gear.
As far as the casting time on Arcane Blast I have no idea what mage you are comparing yourself to. If you can provide me with a link to a video of such a mage with this lower casting time I would gladly identify why, but without that the best answer I can give is that he has more haste than you. Maybe he's doing it right and maybe he isn't. I would need to look to know for sure.
After looking over your gear, which is overall decent, I have identified some flaws that are inhibiting your ability to perform at your potential. It should be obvious that an Arcane Mage's rotation is very simplistic so I will clearly state now that I do not think that is your problem.
First and foremost, I recommend you use the program Rawr to aid you in deciding what trinkets to use, because Rune of Zeth is not a great choice. This program will also assist you in reforging so that you can reach soft haste cap without needing to know the math behind it. After using Rawr it can be helpful to run Simulation Craft to verify the results you received from rawr are indeed an increase. Do not intemperate the date from Simulation Craft as a marker for exactly how much damage you should be able to do on any given fight. Simulation Craft assumes, be default, that there are no adds, movement or other special abilities to the fight that would influence your damage (eg. 80% initial damage reduction on Rhyolith's legs). When interpreting results from Simulation Craft I compare them to my damage on Baleroc with hopes of being within 1-2k of result. The movement will decrease your damage a little bit, but in total Baleroc will be the most similar to Simulation Craft's result.
If you are not familiar with the World Of Logs, you should check it out. World of Logs provides logs from others who have completed the fights and ranks people based on damage. Analyzing these logs can help you to understand what is making them succeed. Believe me when I say it is not just about gear.
As far as the casting time on Arcane Blast I have no idea what mage you are comparing yourself to. If you can provide me with a link to a video of such a mage with this lower casting time I would gladly identify why, but without that the best answer I can give is that he has more haste than you. Maybe he's doing it right and maybe he isn't. I would need to look to know for sure.
Re: something is very very wrong here..
- Posts: 11
Also, for burn phase, you should be burning to 12k(+mage armor tick) below max mana then popping all your CDs(Mana gem, Arcane Power, Mirror Images, trinkets, etc.) then spamming Arcane Blast to about 30% mana then evocating and conserving. I usually save my volcanic potion for lust, so it is not made into my burn macro. That should up your dps some. I personally like playing a blood elf mage, because it gives me some leniency with how low my mana can go in burn phase because I have 5% mana return instantly, but that's not necessary. Uhmmm, I don't know. Being an arcane mage, I wouldn't expect to see the top spot on the meters anytime soon. You're going to get beat almost always by warlocks, shadow priests, hunters and a few other classes if they have the same gear level.
Last edited by rileytucker on 02 Nov 2011 20:37, edited 1 time in total.
Re: something is very very wrong here..
- Posts: 190
rileytucker wrote: I wouldn't expect to see the top spot on the meters anytime soon. You're going to get beat almost always by warlocks, shadow priests, hunters and a few other classes if they have the same gear level.
Sorry, but I totally disagree here.
Here is SimulationCraft for 4.2 (live)
Here is SimulationCraft for 4.3 (PTR)
Although this may be single target and with no movement, it gets the point across that mages have potential, more than most classes, to be successful in damage. As I disclaimer I would like to mention that, although damage improvement is important most all 6 bosses on heroic leading to Ragnaros can be completed with relaxed damage and correct execution. There are times where damage is important, but attempting to improve situation dps (Sons of Flame on Ragnaros) is far different than looking for ways to increase your damage as a whole. Chances are this concept isn't new, but I think it's important for me to include regardless, because I don't want to be misinterpreted.
On a side note, I'm exited for 4.3. In what world is mages best (in my opinion) the highest damage for single target. I know people could pull off 100k dps as fire on Halfus where there was aoe, but for it to be top on single target is incredible. I'm sure Paragon mages can agree, from their prt experience, that this next patch is going to a lot of fun for mages. Especially Yor'sahj the Unsleeping. Already in the raid finder I was able to complete the fight with almost 50k dps. I'm quite excited for the next patch.
Rileytucker I don't mean to call out on being wrong because when it comes to movement intense fights your right, but I want to make a point that it's not hopeless now and it can only get better from here
Sincerely, a mage who wishes for our damage to be at least higher than the warlocks,
Re: something is very very wrong here..
- Posts: 11
Well, yeah, you're right, if we stand still our dps beats most other classes(dependent on skill as well), but that's hardly the case in Firelands. There is one fight really that is a standstill tank and spank-style fight, which is baleroc, and I do not get to shine because I am very undergeared compared to my group so I am put on a crystal, which isn't a huge loss, but with the lack of gear I'm usually 2nd lowest.
6 posts -