I have been playing a mage since the end of WotLK and I've been fire whole T11 but then due to the changes arcane became the raiding spec so I had to adapt. I have been arcane for some time now (around 2 months) but I'm still struggling to push some numbers and top any DPS/damage charts and I don't real know what I'm doing wrong.
Here's my armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/b ... t/advanced
I use AskMrRobot for reforging.
Some past logs:
I do read EJ for tips and strategy but I feel like I'm sill not doing my best even though I'm pushing the highest damage out of the current 3 raiding mages.
Would really appreciate some tips and help on what I might be doing wrong.
Something's wrong..
Something's wrong..
- Posts: 3
Re: Something's wrong..
- Posts: 10
Gear wise, you look pretty good but there are a few things you can change. First off, general stat priority for arcane mages is Int > Hit > Spell Power > Mastery > Haste > Crit. On a few pieces of your gear you've reforged mastery for hit. Never do that. Always reforge crit and haste (since you have the T11 4pc set). Second, it's not uncommon for arcane mages to raid under hit cap. I'm still one of the highest dps while being 1% to 2% under cap. I'd try and get another ring to replace that pvp ring, Signet of the Fifth Circle, Ring of the High Arcanist Savor, or Ring of the Boy Emperor are all viable options. For your trinket, I'd suggest trying to get Theralion's Mirror which is a proc based trinket giving you 1926 mastery for 20 seconds. Keep the Moonwell Chalice but drop Stump of Time. I'd recommend picking up Emberflame Bracers from the VP vendor, the stats on them are favorable for an arcane mage (hit/mastery).
One last thing, check your haste, make sure you have only enough haste to get your AB cast time to 1 second with ABx4 and blood lust. Any more haste and it is a waste, reforge it to mastery or hit.
One last thing, check your haste, make sure you have only enough haste to get your AB cast time to 1 second with ABx4 and blood lust. Any more haste and it is a waste, reforge it to mastery or hit.
Re: Something's wrong..
- Posts: 3
jaromanid1 wrote:Gear wise, you look pretty good but there are a few things you can change. First off, general stat priority for arcane mages is Int > Hit > Spell Power > Mastery > Haste > Crit. On a few pieces of your gear you've reforged mastery for hit. Never do that. Always reforge crit and haste (since you have the T11 4pc set). Second, it's not uncommon for arcane mages to raid under hit cap. I'm still one of the highest dps while being 1% to 2% under cap. I'd try and get another ring to replace that pvp ring, Signet of the Fifth Circle, Ring of the High Arcanist Savor, or Ring of the Boy Emperor are all viable options. For your trinket, I'd suggest trying to get Theralion's Mirror which is a proc based trinket giving you 1926 mastery for 20 seconds. Keep the Moonwell Chalice but drop Stump of Time. I'd recommend picking up Emberflame Bracers from the VP vendor, the stats on them are favorable for an arcane mage (hit/mastery).
One last thing, check your haste, make sure you have only enough haste to get your AB cast time to 1 second with ABx4 and blood lust. Any more haste and it is a waste, reforge it to mastery or hit.
I've reforged around that way because in some of the previous threads Guromin (I think) advised using AskMrRobot for reforging as it gives you the right reforges, so I've used that.
The ring - I currently don't have a PvE ring better than the PvP one so I'm using that one, I'll replace it when I'll have a better one.
Trinket - working on that
Bracers - going to get them next week as I was stupid enough to spend VP on T12 pieces and now they're just rotting in the bank.
Would really appreciate some help from Guromin or one of the paragon mages regarding reforging :/
Re: Something's wrong..
- Posts: 190
I looked over your charecter and didn't find any major gearing issues. Your reforging is fine and I think your reforging correctly. Reforging hit to mastery by itself is bad, but reforging hit to mastery and then mastery to hit is good. It's an odd way of reforging, but what ends up happening is that you don't loose any mastery and you don't loose any hit. You end up closer to the hit cap without sacrificing mastery. Keep doing what your doing.
As far as lots of mages not being at hit cap; thats not true. Not anymore. In t11 Heroic, mages Best in Slot gear put us 2% bellow the hit cap which is why you saw mages in guilds like Paragon that didn't reach hit cap. Believe me though, we all wanted to be at hit cap and it was a huge problem with the gear blizzard created. If your an active t12 player you should reach hit cap with no problem. There is no excuse for being 2% under the hit cap. Hit rating is a very strong stat for arcane mages and should not be overlooked by Mastery or another secondary stat.
Your item level is a bit low and there's a few items your using that aren't great. Really just one and that is your trinket. I agree 100% that you should try to get Theralions MIrror because it's a very strong trinket. Moonwell Challice is also very good. It's damage is comparable to Variable Lightning Pulse Conductor (from Ragnaros Normal). Your pvp ring I wouldn't say is that bad to have. There's some things you can replace it with, but that 384 item level brings a lot of intellect with it and for arcane mages you should defiantly go for intellect. Intellect is about 3.6 times better than mastery haste and crit.
I've told you a lot of what your doing right which leads me to your problem. There's really only 2 things that could be lowering your dps at this point: gear and fight execution. If you believe that you play your class 100% to it's fullest potential then getting better gear is the only thing that will increase your dps right now. Now, I doubt that is the case because I myself learn new things about Arcane mages every day that I didn't know before. The class seams really simple, but there's a lot more too it when you start digging.
If execution is your issue then I don't really even know where to start. There's so many little tips and tricks for every fight that I can't really go over them in the amount of time I have to write this. Often times these things just come naturally and I don't even think to point them out, but I will attempt to give you a few guidelines for proper Arcane Mage execution. Hopefully you are already familiar with the Elitest Jerks Arcane Mage thread and have looked over it. It has a lot of resources for mages and is one of my primary sources for learning about mages. Some of the people posting their findings on that website are far better and more knowledgeable then I myself, but generally don't take the time to help the community.
Like I said before execution is very broad and I don't even know where to start without explaining everything. I'm guessing if you've read my other posts your already familiar with what I've written so instead of covering everything I will leave it open to you. If there is anything at all you are unsure on, want clarification, or just want to double check make a post and I will get back with you.
I looked over your charecter and didn't find any major gearing issues. Your reforging is fine and I think your reforging correctly. Reforging hit to mastery by itself is bad, but reforging hit to mastery and then mastery to hit is good. It's an odd way of reforging, but what ends up happening is that you don't loose any mastery and you don't loose any hit. You end up closer to the hit cap without sacrificing mastery. Keep doing what your doing.
As far as lots of mages not being at hit cap; thats not true. Not anymore. In t11 Heroic, mages Best in Slot gear put us 2% bellow the hit cap which is why you saw mages in guilds like Paragon that didn't reach hit cap. Believe me though, we all wanted to be at hit cap and it was a huge problem with the gear blizzard created. If your an active t12 player you should reach hit cap with no problem. There is no excuse for being 2% under the hit cap. Hit rating is a very strong stat for arcane mages and should not be overlooked by Mastery or another secondary stat.
Your item level is a bit low and there's a few items your using that aren't great. Really just one and that is your trinket. I agree 100% that you should try to get Theralions MIrror because it's a very strong trinket. Moonwell Challice is also very good. It's damage is comparable to Variable Lightning Pulse Conductor (from Ragnaros Normal). Your pvp ring I wouldn't say is that bad to have. There's some things you can replace it with, but that 384 item level brings a lot of intellect with it and for arcane mages you should defiantly go for intellect. Intellect is about 3.6 times better than mastery haste and crit.
I've told you a lot of what your doing right which leads me to your problem. There's really only 2 things that could be lowering your dps at this point: gear and fight execution. If you believe that you play your class 100% to it's fullest potential then getting better gear is the only thing that will increase your dps right now. Now, I doubt that is the case because I myself learn new things about Arcane mages every day that I didn't know before. The class seams really simple, but there's a lot more too it when you start digging.
If execution is your issue then I don't really even know where to start. There's so many little tips and tricks for every fight that I can't really go over them in the amount of time I have to write this. Often times these things just come naturally and I don't even think to point them out, but I will attempt to give you a few guidelines for proper Arcane Mage execution. Hopefully you are already familiar with the Elitest Jerks Arcane Mage thread and have looked over it. It has a lot of resources for mages and is one of my primary sources for learning about mages. Some of the people posting their findings on that website are far better and more knowledgeable then I myself, but generally don't take the time to help the community.
Like I said before execution is very broad and I don't even know where to start without explaining everything. I'm guessing if you've read my other posts your already familiar with what I've written so instead of covering everything I will leave it open to you. If there is anything at all you are unsure on, want clarification, or just want to double check make a post and I will get back with you.
Re: Something's wrong..
- Posts: 3
Thank you for such a long and informative reply, at least now I know that reforging isn't an issue. I am attending a run for BoT almost every week to get theralion's mirror but lately I've been quite unlucky, that'll come in time I guess.
I guess all I need is practice practice and practice.
I guess all I need is practice practice and practice.
5 posts -