So let me present again this wonderful addon of mine to people who haven't heard about it yet.
This is aimed to be the ultimate Mana Bar for Mages. Arcane Mages specifically will find many of MageManaBar's features invaluable in helping to manage Mana optimally and refine their gameplay with nice things for skilled players with unique features never seen before (by me at least...) like Mana overflow report, mage armor tick cooldown, spell cost indication and so on.
Anyway, have a look and as always send me feedback and suggestions here or on curse :
- It will always show your real Mana Pool by ignoring temporary Int Buffs which distort your Mana % on standard Unitframes (Eg: Darkmoon Card: Volcano, Power Torrent, Synapse Springs etc).
- Marker at 35% Mana to show where Evocation can be used without wasting Mana (Factors in ~2 ticks of Mage Armor whilst channeling).
- Marker at (Max Mana - 12 405) to show where Mana Gem can be used without wasting any Mana.
- Marker for "Next Mage Armor Tick". (Showing how much Mana the next tick of Mage Armor will give). Featuring autohide when not present in fire/frost spec. NEW !
- Marker for Flame Orb mini burn. (Showing how much mana you should regen through AM spam).
- Marker for Arcane Torrent.
- Timers for Evocation, Mana Gem, Flame Orb, Arcane Torrent and Mage Armor (Ticks).
- Show your expected current cast mana usage in realtime on the mana bar.
- Optional and fully customizable health bar.
- Color settings to change the color of the mana bar based on markers crossed.
Information panels that you can unlock and place wherever you want on the bar or the screen, change size and background. This should allow you to make the Mana bar the way you want it. Also featuring a tag list to choose whatever info you want in the style you want (Absolute Cur/Max HP, Cur/Percent mana, Absolute Cur/Max mana, Mastery, Spellpower, Time To Die and many more !!). - Realtime information of mana overflow and lost mana due to end of intellect procs. You will know each time how much mana is wasted in chat report with a summary at the end of the fight to help you refine your gameplay.
- Optional advanced gameplay suggestions during fight based on your cooldowns and tested theorycrafted concepts to help you mastering Arcane way of managing mana. You can also enable or disable any of theses suggestions if it doesn't fit your way of playing.
- Advanced customisation options for all elements of the addon. You can change colors, textures, fonts, size, alpha, ordering of elements. Everything is optional and can be disabled to make MageManaBar what you always dreamed of.
- Arcane explosion manager. Once you use AE with an AB buff the warning panel will show your AE casts on a timer representing your AB Debuff, also showing the current cast time needed to refresh it. Cross the red section and you'll be unable to refresh in time ! NEW!
- Getting closer to UnitFrame replacement with the player menu when right clicking on frame and player selection when left clicking, casting bar and alternate power bar. NEW !
- Import Export manager for settings. You can share your settings with fellow mages and import new ones. Have a look at the post below to get some new settings. NEW !
For more skins and settings, have a look at ... t-not-only .
Thanks for you time.