Hi there,
Is the T12 4 set bonus worth taking for firemages?
Since the T11 4 set is such a nice thing, because i keep reading different things, some sites say only T12 2 set is worth taking and other ones suggest only T12 heroic, it is confusing and i am trying to make my Firelands wishlist.
Thanks in advance,
Zapzorz from emerald dream
humble T12 question
humble T12 question
- Posts: 6
Re: humble T12 question
- Posts: 190
You have asked a very good question. When as mages do we break our t11 4 set and transition into t12. It depends. You asked specifically for fire mages which I do find odd because fire mages damage is significantly lower than Frost and Arcane. I have reserved fire for strictly situations with abnormal circumstances that make fire good; heavy aoe for example. Unfortunately, there are few instances where fire is even a viable spec in t12. Arguably, there are only two fights; Alysrazor (if your going into the air) and Rhyolith if you want to be gutsy. If you do not already, I would advise you to play Arcane primarily and splash fire or frost. I didn't post this to rant about what spec you should play, but instead to answer your question. So without further ado, the answer.
For fire mages with full t11 Heroic 372 items, you should wait until you have your t12 4 set with 1-2 heroic items to switch over. For fire mages with full t11 normal 359 items, you can switch over when you have acquired your full t12 set bonus. Bottom line, the new set bonus are much worse than the previous tiers and it's the increased intellect that makes up for it.
Now that I have answered your question I wish to adress something for arcane mages switching over. Much of this information quotes Ataxus from Blood Legion. Arcane mages t12 4 set states: Your spells have an increased chance to trigger Brain Freeze or Hot Streak. In addition, Arcane Power decreases the cost of your damaging spells by 10% instead of increasing their cost. This isn't even close to as good as it sounds. Problematically the amount of mana it reduces from arcane blast is from it's base mana and the mana reduction does not scale with arcane' blasts cost. This meas that no matter how much Arcane Blast costs to cast you only get a reduction of 174 mana per blast. To put this in perspective that is equivalent to 87 mana per 5 seconds. In comparison Mage Armor (glyphed) generates 3600 mp5. In a 6 minute fight you only save 6k mana with the 4 set; only enough for one extra Arcane Blast.
I basically summerized Ataxus's post so in order to give him credit here is a link to his original post. http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/927789-Tier-12-Mage-4-Piece-Problem-(Arcane)
Arcane mages should not switch to their t12 4 set until all 4 heroic items have been obtained. This is very sad and it's my hope that blizzard adjusts this. I know that old gear being better than new gear can ruin the game for gear-driven people. I'm not crazy about loot myself, but either way it's disappointing to have a set bonus with almost no bonus to damage.
Best of luck on your Firelands progression. I hope you get that legendary staff we all know is on your wish list ;)
You have asked a very good question. When as mages do we break our t11 4 set and transition into t12. It depends. You asked specifically for fire mages which I do find odd because fire mages damage is significantly lower than Frost and Arcane. I have reserved fire for strictly situations with abnormal circumstances that make fire good; heavy aoe for example. Unfortunately, there are few instances where fire is even a viable spec in t12. Arguably, there are only two fights; Alysrazor (if your going into the air) and Rhyolith if you want to be gutsy. If you do not already, I would advise you to play Arcane primarily and splash fire or frost. I didn't post this to rant about what spec you should play, but instead to answer your question. So without further ado, the answer.
For fire mages with full t11 Heroic 372 items, you should wait until you have your t12 4 set with 1-2 heroic items to switch over. For fire mages with full t11 normal 359 items, you can switch over when you have acquired your full t12 set bonus. Bottom line, the new set bonus are much worse than the previous tiers and it's the increased intellect that makes up for it.
Now that I have answered your question I wish to adress something for arcane mages switching over. Much of this information quotes Ataxus from Blood Legion. Arcane mages t12 4 set states: Your spells have an increased chance to trigger Brain Freeze or Hot Streak. In addition, Arcane Power decreases the cost of your damaging spells by 10% instead of increasing their cost. This isn't even close to as good as it sounds. Problematically the amount of mana it reduces from arcane blast is from it's base mana and the mana reduction does not scale with arcane' blasts cost. This meas that no matter how much Arcane Blast costs to cast you only get a reduction of 174 mana per blast. To put this in perspective that is equivalent to 87 mana per 5 seconds. In comparison Mage Armor (glyphed) generates 3600 mp5. In a 6 minute fight you only save 6k mana with the 4 set; only enough for one extra Arcane Blast.
I basically summerized Ataxus's post so in order to give him credit here is a link to his original post. http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/927789-Tier-12-Mage-4-Piece-Problem-(Arcane)
Arcane mages should not switch to their t12 4 set until all 4 heroic items have been obtained. This is very sad and it's my hope that blizzard adjusts this. I know that old gear being better than new gear can ruin the game for gear-driven people. I'm not crazy about loot myself, but either way it's disappointing to have a set bonus with almost no bonus to damage.
Best of luck on your Firelands progression. I hope you get that legendary staff we all know is on your wish list ;)
Re: humble T12 question
- Posts: 1
zapzorz wrote:Arcane mages should not switch to their t12 4 set until all 4 heroic items have been obtained
Would you say this goes for Arcane mages who aren't in full t11 heroic ? I only have heroic gloves in my tier set and from research and dps tests that I have been doing it seems like replacing the t11 non heroic 4 set with t12 2 set makes it a bit more viable due to the larger increases in intellect. My guild is decent, but I dont see us obtaining 4set t12 heroic gear for quite some time. Right now I do still use my t11 4 set during raids, but once I get my t12 legs I plan on trying 2 set (chest and legs) and using the Rhyolith helmet with Baleroc shoulders. Of course if my dps suffers greatly I will be switching back to t11.
Re: humble T12 question
- Posts: 190
I hate to say this, but don't break your t11 4 set. It really sucks that as of right now our t12 2 set and 4 set are incredibly weak. I can't exactly tell you when the breaking point is; when exactly the intellect outweighs the old gears amazing bonus's. You can certainly do the SimulationCraft testing yourself and find out, but if I had to guess you will not transition into your t12 4 set at all (unless they buff it or you get some more heroic progression :D) Look at the bright side, the gear you have now is as good as it gets!
Now I don't think blizzard will keep things this way. I'm pretty sure that some hotfix or small patch will change the 4 set to make it better, but until then buckle down and start looking at other things you can upgrade. Don't be discouraged by this and also I wouldn't worry about it. Don't think about it like t12 sucks, just think about how awesome the gear you have now is. If you do find that it ends up being a dps increase, go for it. It can't hurt to start collecting them now.
I hate to say this, but don't break your t11 4 set. It really sucks that as of right now our t12 2 set and 4 set are incredibly weak. I can't exactly tell you when the breaking point is; when exactly the intellect outweighs the old gears amazing bonus's. You can certainly do the SimulationCraft testing yourself and find out, but if I had to guess you will not transition into your t12 4 set at all (unless they buff it or you get some more heroic progression :D) Look at the bright side, the gear you have now is as good as it gets!
Now I don't think blizzard will keep things this way. I'm pretty sure that some hotfix or small patch will change the 4 set to make it better, but until then buckle down and start looking at other things you can upgrade. Don't be discouraged by this and also I wouldn't worry about it. Don't think about it like t12 sucks, just think about how awesome the gear you have now is. If you do find that it ends up being a dps increase, go for it. It can't hurt to start collecting them now.
Re: humble T12 question
- Posts: 6
Sorry for my very late response, I was busy organizing and holding a guildmeeting.
Thank you very much for answering my questions, I was fire because I really enjoyed playing it and i clung onto Blizzards statement that Fire should be equal to Arcane, I have now switched to Arcane (even though I really dislike it) to perform better.
Thanks again for taking the time to answer.
Thank you very much for answering my questions, I was fire because I really enjoyed playing it and i clung onto Blizzards statement that Fire should be equal to Arcane, I have now switched to Arcane (even though I really dislike it) to perform better.
Thanks again for taking the time to answer.
5 posts -