So i am 10/13hm with cho and nef down, my dps is on par with our other mage, ost of the time better, with 4 less il's, but on some fights my damage and activity time as arcane seems to be lower than that of our other mage. The damage isnt that much lower, usually just parsing me right under him, but i am lead to think with his activity time I would be able to pull much higher damage. Is there anything I can do to work on my activity time or substantially increase it, my rotation is typical, i plan my movements around blink, and if i do have to run and blink is down, i use pom-ab, and ice lance, or fire blast. I am linking our kill from heroic cho last night, maybe you can pick something out i cant, the one time i decrease in damage from the other mage is bc its my job to switch to adds on the 3rd and 4th blood of the old gods adds. And also I die at the very beggining of phase 3, after the other elephant mage, so he got the rez first, which left me dead for the entire p3, i realize this is a huge damage loss, and would have prob put my damage right with his, but still doesnt explain the activity time, ill link the Heroic CHo kill but also a few other fights where i am specced arcane, so maybe baltha can pick apart my low activity and give me some tips to improve this to maximize damage on sinestra.
Heroic Chimaeron ... 674&e=8019
Valiona and Theralion Heroic ... =239&e=642
Heroic CHo ... 33&e=11941
Regular Council ... 618&e=1828
Low Activity Time - HELP please Baltha
Re: Low Activity Time - HELP please Baltha
- Posts: 190
Hello Gushkin,
I have been analyzing your logs and trying to theorize exactly what the issue is. I have noticed that it is a reoccurring problem and that there is a hypothetical existent solution to it. I have done several hours of research on it and have not come to a conclusion that I can prove is causing your activity time to be lower. I had a few initial thoughts with how the logs are reading the data. Thinking that maybe your timed blinks were not counted as active time, however I was not able to prove that to be the case. I thought maybe the 1 second after using an instant cast while spells are on GCD might be a reduction, but I was unable to prove that you consistently use more instant cast spells than your fellow mages. Keep in mind as I wright this that I don't want to loose anyone else reading this so may have mentioned a few things you think are obvious.
Those were not my only thoughts though. Any kind of latency you have can cause a gap in between casts that causes a loss in activity time. I can't read your latency from the logs to know if this was possibly an issue, but I thought it was worth mentioning so you could be aware of it. Additionally keep in mind that mechanics that pick you and can just be unlucky play into this. Things like Worship on Cho'gall are prime examples of how luck can factor into that time. It's difficult to measure some of these things from logs.
If you are not satisfied with the what I have said so far as a possible solution to you can record yourself playing in a raid and play it back later. When you watch a video you have the ability to look at things that you otherwise wouldn't be able to focus on. If you yourself can't see the issue after recording you could upload it to youtube and link it here or with the other mages in your guild.
Now that I have stated probable causes of your low activity time I want to mention a few really REALLY important things. First of all I do not understand why you came to the Paragon website with such a math-y question. Paragon is not the best in the world because they are the best at simply figuring out the best way to min max. They are the best because they are able to quickly think on their feat and quickly react to a problem. They know what it takes to keep themselves alive and do smart damage. Their focus (i hope) isn't setting dps records or topping the charts. At least not at first. I think of dps the same way I think of healing. Healing is ONLY a competition when the raid is not at risk of death. I love competing for being #1 on heals when it's an easy farm status 1-shot fight. On progression fights I do not mess around with trying to be the highest heals. I focus on doing what it takes to keep people alive. Dps needs to know when it is important to pump out extra damage even if it hurts their overall damage. A great example of this is Sinestra. Everyone loves use their 2nd potion when they have the buff and do tons of extra damage already, but a smart dps-er would realize using the potion on the eggs might be the extra help the eggs need to go down. It defiantly hurts your overall damage, but you do it when it counts. I do understand that the eggs damage might not have been a problem for every group, but at least for us going in our first time it defiantly was a bit of a problem.
Thanks for reading my giant rant above, now back to improving your damage (which is still important). You seem to have lower burst in just about every fight you linked. It looks like your dps issue could be in regards to using CD's more efficiently. Also make sure you are starting your burn phase before Evocation comes off CD. The most optimal use of evocation keeps it on CD all the time. I start my burn phase at 30 seconds left on Evocation and try to be at no mana when evocation comes off. If I don't come back up high enough after evocation I use missiles more often. This is significant. Starting you burn phase 30 seconds sooner can give you an extra burn phase later in the fight.
Ultimately, the point I am trying to make here is that dps is important, but I don't think that your activity time is significantly impacting your damage.
I have been analyzing your logs and trying to theorize exactly what the issue is. I have noticed that it is a reoccurring problem and that there is a hypothetical existent solution to it. I have done several hours of research on it and have not come to a conclusion that I can prove is causing your activity time to be lower. I had a few initial thoughts with how the logs are reading the data. Thinking that maybe your timed blinks were not counted as active time, however I was not able to prove that to be the case. I thought maybe the 1 second after using an instant cast while spells are on GCD might be a reduction, but I was unable to prove that you consistently use more instant cast spells than your fellow mages. Keep in mind as I wright this that I don't want to loose anyone else reading this so may have mentioned a few things you think are obvious.
Those were not my only thoughts though. Any kind of latency you have can cause a gap in between casts that causes a loss in activity time. I can't read your latency from the logs to know if this was possibly an issue, but I thought it was worth mentioning so you could be aware of it. Additionally keep in mind that mechanics that pick you and can just be unlucky play into this. Things like Worship on Cho'gall are prime examples of how luck can factor into that time. It's difficult to measure some of these things from logs.
If you are not satisfied with the what I have said so far as a possible solution to you can record yourself playing in a raid and play it back later. When you watch a video you have the ability to look at things that you otherwise wouldn't be able to focus on. If you yourself can't see the issue after recording you could upload it to youtube and link it here or with the other mages in your guild.
Now that I have stated probable causes of your low activity time I want to mention a few really REALLY important things. First of all I do not understand why you came to the Paragon website with such a math-y question. Paragon is not the best in the world because they are the best at simply figuring out the best way to min max. They are the best because they are able to quickly think on their feat and quickly react to a problem. They know what it takes to keep themselves alive and do smart damage. Their focus (i hope) isn't setting dps records or topping the charts. At least not at first. I think of dps the same way I think of healing. Healing is ONLY a competition when the raid is not at risk of death. I love competing for being #1 on heals when it's an easy farm status 1-shot fight. On progression fights I do not mess around with trying to be the highest heals. I focus on doing what it takes to keep people alive. Dps needs to know when it is important to pump out extra damage even if it hurts their overall damage. A great example of this is Sinestra. Everyone loves use their 2nd potion when they have the buff and do tons of extra damage already, but a smart dps-er would realize using the potion on the eggs might be the extra help the eggs need to go down. It defiantly hurts your overall damage, but you do it when it counts. I do understand that the eggs damage might not have been a problem for every group, but at least for us going in our first time it defiantly was a bit of a problem.
Thanks for reading my giant rant above, now back to improving your damage (which is still important). You seem to have lower burst in just about every fight you linked. It looks like your dps issue could be in regards to using CD's more efficiently. Also make sure you are starting your burn phase before Evocation comes off CD. The most optimal use of evocation keeps it on CD all the time. I start my burn phase at 30 seconds left on Evocation and try to be at no mana when evocation comes off. If I don't come back up high enough after evocation I use missiles more often. This is significant. Starting you burn phase 30 seconds sooner can give you an extra burn phase later in the fight.
Ultimately, the point I am trying to make here is that dps is important, but I don't think that your activity time is significantly impacting your damage.
2 posts -