Question for Paragon Mage(s)

Question for Paragon Mage(s)

Post 14 Sep 2009 20:07

Hi, I am currently arcane gearing for arcane. My question is, are you all going to go arcane in 3.2.2? If you're all not, could you give me reasoning behind your decision? Also could you explain to me why fireball and FFB atm is so much better then arcane, because in my guild I feel I am superior to the other mages. Because I am usually on top in ToC and Ulduar. Sometimes I feel they're not trying their best, and if so would it be possible to be even better if I were fireball?

I am just trying to excel in my damage done, survivability, and overall dps, please assist me on this.
My reason being is I look at you all as sort of a goal, a goal I need to achieve. ... 3%B2%C3%B3
Here is my armory link, could you take a glance, and please tell me if I have too much of something or not enough of something. I currently can put out about 6k dps on fights, and usually top 4 damage done. Again I just want to improve if I can.