Hello and happy new year. I think you guys are great and am very impressed whit your raiding progression. Now if I may take your time I have a question for one of your mages.
My armory profile is @ http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... ius/simple and I'm at 350 ilevel non raiding drop gear. I am fire speced. When I put in all the data in simultioncraft, modifying buffs, I get 16.5k single target dps against a level 88 mob. This is all self buffed. When I try it out in Orgrimar against a raiding dummy I just cant get over 10k sustained dps no mater what I do. Needless to say I try to follow the fire mage compendium regarding rotations and gear tuning over at EJ.
Now if the difference would have been smaller then I would have accepted it as that I'm just not good enough but with a 60% difference I cant help but to ask my self if I'm doing something fundamentally wrong.
So I guess the question is, beside that you guys are free to give me any general advice, what kind of dps are you guys pulling on a dummy self buffed and what kind of dsp should I aim for single target when I start to do normal raiding.
Ps. With arcane I could hold 12-13 k dps on a dummy.
Keep up the good work with raiding and at least in my guild its clear you guys are the best.
Mohedius @ shattered hand EU
Failing to match SimulationCrafts dps
Re: Failing to match SimulationCrafts dps
- Posts: 1
Happy New Year everyone =D
I'm actually having the same problem. I use fire / frost spec but no matter what I do in a raid situation
I can't get above 12k " average " dps. While dps doesn't concern me, I'm seeing a huge difference in overall
damage with other dps classes on recount.
A blue post has confirmed this, http://blue.mmo-champion.com/topic/1470 ... ss-changes ,
but perhaps mages have been given a new role to raiding. No longer doing top dps, but more of a utility
character (slowing, kiting, aoe adds, ...) which can be a defining element to defeat a raid boss.
See ya guys,
Happy New Year everyone =D
I'm actually having the same problem. I use fire / frost spec but no matter what I do in a raid situation
I can't get above 12k " average " dps. While dps doesn't concern me, I'm seeing a huge difference in overall
damage with other dps classes on recount.
A blue post has confirmed this, http://blue.mmo-champion.com/topic/1470 ... ss-changes ,
but perhaps mages have been given a new role to raiding. No longer doing top dps, but more of a utility
character (slowing, kiting, aoe adds, ...) which can be a defining element to defeat a raid boss.
See ya guys,
Re: Failing to match SimulationCrafts dps
- Posts: 6
SimulationCraft, is after all only Simulation, and you can expect to diverge a bit from the optimal theoretical numbers. Any kind of MS disturbance, serverlag what not will affect your output, as simulation is the "optimal" conditions, for example assuming LB is refreshed the same milisecond it expires, whereas in real life you might be in the middle of a cast when previous LB explodes, thus wasting 0.x seconds of LB uptime (or FO throwout).
That being said, the difference between 16k and 10k is quite substantial, are you certain all your variables are set correctly for the simulation?
That being said, the difference between 16k and 10k is quite substantial, are you certain all your variables are set correctly for the simulation?
Re: Failing to match SimulationCrafts dps
- Posts: 473
omegasupreme wrote:Any kind of MS disturbance, serverlag what not will affect your output, as simulation is the "optimal" conditions, for example assuming LB is refreshed the same milisecond it expires, whereas in real life you might be in the middle of a cast when previous LB explodes, thus wasting 0.x seconds of LB uptime (or FO throwout).
Simulationcraft does not cheat, if it's not possible to recast LB while casting something else then it simulates that aspect of the game also.
Re: Failing to match SimulationCrafts dps
- Posts: 6
Kruf wrote:omegasupreme wrote:Any kind of MS disturbance, serverlag what not will affect your output, as simulation is the "optimal" conditions, for example assuming LB is refreshed the same milisecond it expires, whereas in real life you might be in the middle of a cast when previous LB explodes, thus wasting 0.x seconds of LB uptime (or FO throwout).
Simulationcraft does not cheat, if it's not possible to recast LB while casting something else then it simulates that aspect of the game also.
Hey Kruf,
I know that its supposed to do this (and does this) and I agree with you, my point was just that you will always have some miniscule ms loss, so instead of a 1.5sec cast, you might have a 1.502s cast and therefore as time progresses in an encounter, simcraft might calculate that youre able to re-apply living bomb after 8 FB casts, where as, due to tiny elements (lag, a quick strafe, decurse or something) you might in reality just have started your 7th (or 9th) cast as the LB explodes, meaning that you have to finish (you never interrupt for LB) another 1.X seconds of that cast, giving you the corresponding time period that LB is not up on your target.
I know this is all minor things, but it would explain you getting lower values than SimCraft (but again, not 10k compared to 16k simcraft at all! were taking in 100's not 1000's)
Re: Failing to match SimulationCrafts dps
- Posts: 473
omegasupreme wrote:...always have some miniscule ms loss, so instead of a 1.5sec cast, you might have a 1.502s cast and therefore as time progresses in an encounter...
The new spellqueue makes this pretty much a moot point as long as you're standing still and pressing the buttons on time (or even a bit early). Server lag is another matter, though...
Re: Failing to match SimulationCrafts dps
- Posts: 6
Kruf wrote:
The new spellqueue makes this pretty much a moot point as long as you're standing still and pressing the buttons on time (or even a bit early). Server lag is another matter, though...
Yeah its true that the new SQ should cover most of it, cant really account for server lag, although it generally seems much better across the board these days.
Only final point is ofc how much/little youre standing still, but yeah testing on dummies, shouldnt really involve extensive movement ;)
7 posts -