Hi there. I was just wandering if i could get a few tips and pointers for my class,My problem being that i have such a high Gearscore (for my realm) and yet am doing such low DPS as 9-10k. I have read through Elitist Jerks articles on Enhancement Shamans and a lot of it just seems to fly over my head. So i though i would come here and see if you guys could nail a few answers to the floor for me.
Basic information that i could use:
1. Caps - Haste, Crit, Exp, Hit etc.
2. Used Rotations, (Is a rotation better than priority listing?)
To start off with the Basics, I beleive that my talent tree is fine, I have improved Windfury Totem, Improved Fire Nova and all other nescesary fillers.
Here is a Link, Should you find anything you think unnessecary then please say so : http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-talen ... na&group=1
I beleive my Gemming is fine as it is, I understand i am under Expertise cap but being behind many bosses i would've thought that would be a minor problem, I BELEIVE i am hit cap...but not sure. As you can see from the armory link i posted i am gemming pure haste. The same with my enchants, from what i understand my enchants are all correct as standing.
From what i understand the basic shaman rotation for 3.3 is:
Stormstrike > Lava Lash > Flame Shock > Lightning Bolt > Fire Nova. ( Repeat replacing Flame Shock with Earth Shock every second rotation ) Then a filler of either a renewed Magma Totem or Lightning Shield.
I have heard many different rotations from other enhancements but none of them feel as if they are pulling out enough true DPS. So some hints on this would be most helpful.
My guild is 2nd best on my faction's side of my realm, i have been a member for nearly a year now and have even been chosen for the LK 10 HC team, but ofcoarse my DPS is a problem, hense why i need to improve, so i ask you to please reply as soon as you can if you can!
Many thansk for taking the time to read this.
Regards Oaf.
A Few Enhancement questions for Rihmz.
A Few Enhancement questions for Rihmz.
- Posts: 7
Last edited by westwoodtheoaf on 04 Jul 2010 22:17, edited 2 times in total.
Re: 6.2k GS Enhancement Shaman in need of a little guidance.
- Posts: 10
Hey Oaf. My main is currently a shaman aswell. I am resto tho:)
I haven't tried enhance/elemental much, but I had the gear for it once.
And I am quite sure that the frost shock was more damage than the earth shock.
Appologizes for any mistakes, but I tested with recount, 100 of each shocks :o
Sincereley Sigurðr
I haven't tried enhance/elemental much, but I had the gear for it once.
And I am quite sure that the frost shock was more damage than the earth shock.
Appologizes for any mistakes, but I tested with recount, 100 of each shocks :o
Sincereley Sigurðr
Re: 6.2k GS Enhancement Shaman in need of a little guidance.
- Posts: 7
I have no idea how you got that idea, My average hit for my Earth shock is 2208 whilst my Frost shock is 2147. That adds up to quite a bit less :/ Plus from what i understood Frost Shock was purely a PvP Ability ( Aside from the odd Valkyre or two on LK ofc ).
Thanks for taking your time to read this tho :)
Thanks for taking your time to read this tho :)
Re: 6.2k GS Enhancement Shaman in need of a little guidance.
- Posts: 357
Some numbers can be found over on wowhead.com - http://www.wowhead.com/forums&topic=97497 - always worth a look for more simple number crunching than EJ.
<ringuh> i try to avoid being sober when doing any kinda pugs
Re: 6.2k GS Enhancement Shaman in need of a little guidance.
- Posts: 7
That thread is a little outdated not to mention still doesnt answer the questions im putting foward, gonna rename the thread to grab somoned attention ;)
Re: A Few Enhancement questions for Rihmz.
- Posts: 73
Hi Oaf
To start of with the 2 questions
1. Caps
expertise - First thing you want to do before worrying about any other gear is to get expertise cap. That is 26 expertise when hitting from behind so with 9expertise from talents you need 17(140rating) from gear.
hit - Melee hit cap while dualwielding is 27% for white attacks and 8% for special attacks. Spell hit cap is 17%. You want to aim for spell hit cap so depending how often you have 3% spell hit debuff in raid and since you are draenai thats either 13 or 16 percent. even after those marks hit is still decent stat but loses in value for some others.
crit - crit cap for white attacks is: 100% + (crit depression) - (glancing blows) - (chance to get dodged and parried) - (chance to miss)
in which
Crit depression - due to boss being 3levels higher you actually crit 4.8% less than what it says in char sheet. more about that can be found from http://www.stratfu.com/blog/kyth/2009/12/new-data-melee-crit-cap and
Glancing blows - chance for glancing blows is always 24% and they can't crit.
chance to get dodged and parried - base dodge chance is 6.5% and parry 0% when hitting from behind
chance to miss - Base miss chance is 27% which is reduced by talents (6% for enha) and hit rating from gear.
so for example when hitting from behind with 26expertise and 20% melee hit (6% talents 14% from gear) we would end up with crit cap of 100%+4.8%-24%-0%-7%=75,8%
for much better explanation about crit cap and what to do it with check http://elitistjerks.com/f79/t87972-enhancement_critical_cap_analysis_tow_hotc/p4/#post1663958
haste - I'll cover this later.
2. Priority list
1) Maelstrom Weapon x 5 stacks - Lightning Bolt
2) Flame Shock
3) Stormstrike if debuff not active
4) Lightning Shield if not active
5) Fire Elemental
6) Magma Totem if not active
7) Spirit Wolves
8) Shamanistic Rage
9) Earthshock
10) Stormstrike
11) Lava Lash
12) Fire Nova
13) Magma Totem
14) Lightning Shield
other things
swap boots enchant from icewalker to cat's swiftness or tuskar's vitality. run speed is superior in any fight where you move more than few seconds.
glyphs: [Glyph of Flame Shock][Glyph of Stormstrike][Glyph of Feral Spirit]
spec: http://www.wowhead.com/talent#hVhuVbZhbxI0xdIhusouVo and if you have problems with mana take point from reverberation to improved stormstrike
To start of with the 2 questions
1. Caps
expertise - First thing you want to do before worrying about any other gear is to get expertise cap. That is 26 expertise when hitting from behind so with 9expertise from talents you need 17(140rating) from gear.
hit - Melee hit cap while dualwielding is 27% for white attacks and 8% for special attacks. Spell hit cap is 17%. You want to aim for spell hit cap so depending how often you have 3% spell hit debuff in raid and since you are draenai thats either 13 or 16 percent. even after those marks hit is still decent stat but loses in value for some others.
crit - crit cap for white attacks is: 100% + (crit depression) - (glancing blows) - (chance to get dodged and parried) - (chance to miss)
in which
Crit depression - due to boss being 3levels higher you actually crit 4.8% less than what it says in char sheet. more about that can be found from http://www.stratfu.com/blog/kyth/2009/12/new-data-melee-crit-cap and
Glancing blows - chance for glancing blows is always 24% and they can't crit.
chance to get dodged and parried - base dodge chance is 6.5% and parry 0% when hitting from behind
chance to miss - Base miss chance is 27% which is reduced by talents (6% for enha) and hit rating from gear.
so for example when hitting from behind with 26expertise and 20% melee hit (6% talents 14% from gear) we would end up with crit cap of 100%+4.8%-24%-0%-7%=75,8%
for much better explanation about crit cap and what to do it with check http://elitistjerks.com/f79/t87972-enhancement_critical_cap_analysis_tow_hotc/p4/#post1663958
haste - I'll cover this later.
2. Priority list
1) Maelstrom Weapon x 5 stacks - Lightning Bolt
2) Flame Shock
3) Stormstrike if debuff not active
4) Lightning Shield if not active
5) Fire Elemental
6) Magma Totem if not active
7) Spirit Wolves
8) Shamanistic Rage
9) Earthshock
10) Stormstrike
11) Lava Lash
12) Fire Nova
13) Magma Totem
14) Lightning Shield
other things
swap boots enchant from icewalker to cat's swiftness or tuskar's vitality. run speed is superior in any fight where you move more than few seconds.
glyphs: [Glyph of Flame Shock][Glyph of Stormstrike][Glyph of Feral Spirit]
spec: http://www.wowhead.com/talent#hVhuVbZhbxI0xdIhusouVo and if you have problems with mana take point from reverberation to improved stormstrike
Re: A Few Enhancement questions for Rihmz.
- Posts: 7
Thank you sooo sooo much!
This answers everything xd il get to work :P only problem i might have is getting used to using prioritys instead of rotations :( but thanks :D
This answers everything xd il get to work :P only problem i might have is getting used to using prioritys instead of rotations :( but thanks :D
Re: A Few Enhancement questions for Rihmz.
- Posts: 2
westwoodtheoaf wrote:Thank you sooo sooo much!
This answers everything xd il get to work :P only problem i might have is getting used to using prioritys instead of rotations :( but thanks :D
If you have trouble with priority queue you should check out the addon called Shock and Awe. It's made to help enha shamans with their prio and I myself like it very much. After raiding with it few weeks you will get the priority que and can do it without the addon.
Re: A Few Enhancement questions for Rihmz.
- Posts: 7
Well i spent the whole of this morning trying to get the hang of prioritys, tho i still cant xD i have seen a DPS increase but il give it a few weeks :) gotta test it in a few raids first xD
Re: A Few Enhancement questions for Rihmz.
- Posts: 2
The first and biggest problem is your gear. Higher gear score doesn't mean higher dps.
You drop down T10 4. set bonus, becouse of 1 277 item? The T10 4. set bonusz uptime in f.ex. Deathbringer is around 25%. So, you drop down 3k/4 AP, so 900AP just to get 40AP,30Haste,20 Crit......
Sim it mate......
Use "enhsim", it will tell you the best config.....!
And put back the T10 4 part set item. Hands, or Shoulders (shoulders would be better).
You drop down T10 4. set bonus, becouse of 1 277 item? The T10 4. set bonusz uptime in f.ex. Deathbringer is around 25%. So, you drop down 3k/4 AP, so 900AP just to get 40AP,30Haste,20 Crit......
Sim it mate......
Use "enhsim", it will tell you the best config.....!
And put back the T10 4 part set item. Hands, or Shoulders (shoulders would be better).
10 posts -