Dakero wrote:Hi everyone.
I admire this guild.
I would like send few question to enh shaman from paragon.
http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... &cn=Dakero
this is my gear. what i need to change to do more dps than 9.2k+?
On saurfang 25 (normal ofc :P) at 80% i have 10.5-11k dps, but when he die i have 9k-9.4k.
And i have one more question. Do any enh shaman show me self UI. not send, but show.
P.S. sory for my english.
You should enchant your gloves and breast and equip Bizuri's totem you bought, also if you use Shamanistic rage on cd you shouldn't need all the manareg talents, use instead the specc and glyphs of Rhimz (or any other good Enh shaman).
Was reading around and did a lot of research, and I was curious if it is at all possible to have TOO much melee haste? Right now with my gear, gems, and enchants I have 846 (33.54%). When I have everything procced, I have my WF totem down etc, I get to like 0.95 Weapon Speed. I was wondering if that would throw off my WF procs, and if I should go for more AP? Or... I don't know.
I have been quite content with my dps, (broke 12k on Saurfang) and usually pull around 10k average.
http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... &cn=Litori
That's my Armory link, if you want it. (Hopefully I'll remember to log out in PVE gear >.>)
Anyways, thanks for your time.
You can't have "too much" haste, quite contrary to that, you should use the haste totem (Triumph or Frost) instead of ypur Ap totem.
If you want to know what gems to use, you should use programs such as Rawr and/or EnhSim.