Hello there,
I am an elemental shaman in need of assistance. My dps is not up the par with my raid members and I do believe I could pull more with the gear I have. On my own I could not find the problem, so I am hoping that with some assistance I can turn something around here.
Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/a ... lts/simple
http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-kk3qjk1wbu35y5b6/ (logs for tonight)
I dps fights on Morchok, Yorsajh, Ultrax and Blackhorn.
Morchock I believe is fine, I can't say i have a problem on that fight.
But the other three I feel as if I'm not maximizing my dps. Maybe you may see something in the logs that I cannot. Any advice is appreciated from my spec to glyphs to rotation.
Elemental Shaman DPS
Elemental Shaman DPS
- Posts: 3
Re: Elemental Shaman DPS
- Posts: 158
Other then the fact that you didn´t use fire elemental totem, at least on ultra and that you have way over the hit cap which could be spent on more mastery I don´t see that much weird things on your logs. Ofc you should have 100% up time on fire totem and you seem to waste gcds as you have pretty low amount of casts over all (compared your logs with mine from some alt 10man). So just try to push buttons faster and use those totems :D
Hating with passion
Re: Elemental Shaman DPS
- Posts: 3
The reason my fire elemental was not used on ultrax is because it was on CD from a wipe before( Just my luck) and i knew it would knock my dps quite a bit. About the hit rating, I did pick up 2 pieces last night and reforged out spirit into mastery with it. I don't know how much more i can do with that and Ill try and pick up the casts, because it may just all come down to me being a...clicker. :( Ill keep an extra eye on my totems as well, thank you Kyy.
Re: Elemental Shaman DPS
- Posts: 158
Yeah, clicking is bad :< Specially on class that needs to "spam" as much as ele shaman. Try to get used to at least key bind you´re most used spell. Start with baby steps and just bind maybe 4 spells at start and then more when you get comfortable with those.
Hating with passion
Re: Elemental Shaman DPS
- Posts: 3
Yeah, I've tried a few times before but gave up because I couldn't get used to it. However, I am at it again because I really want to improve as a player so I think I'll give it a go, and like you said, I'll start small and work my way up. :)
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