Elemental Shaman needs help for optimisement

Elemental Shaman needs help for optimisement

Post 13 Jan 2012 21:12

Avatar bassemanden123
Posts: 3
Hey Paragon members and community members.

I was wondering if any shaman could help me out with optimising my character, I got the rotation right but I'm still stampering on my gear. It's the only items I've had avaible since I rerolled Elemental Shaman here 2 weeks ago.

http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/f ... isa/simple

There's my Armory link I know I'm 1% under hitcap which items do I need to reforge out of to get more hit and maybe optimise my other reforges?

My glyphs, I've seen a lot bouncing between FET and Lightning Bolt instead of FS.

All answers and help are much appreciated!

Kind regards Sebastian

Re: Elemental Shaman needs help for optimisement

Post 13 Jan 2012 21:54

Avatar Asetotti
Posts: 4
If you remove reforge from your pants, you'll be 1 hit from hitcap. Also (correct me if I'm wrong) haste is more important than mastery for ele.

Re: Elemental Shaman needs help for optimisement

Post 13 Jan 2012 21:59

Avatar bassemanden123
Posts: 3
Well I guess that depends on the fight, long fights = haste more valueable and short fights I think it's mastery that's at it's ace. I've not played it for long so sorry for my knowledge not being at top!