Hi Paragon shaman folk I'd like your opinion on the following matter.
I have aqcuired both Tunic of Failed Experiments HC and Leggings of Lethal Force HC as you can see on my armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/v ... ana/simple
Now here's the deal. Enhancement 4set is quite weak so I'm wondering if it's even worth going for the T11 legs at this point. In my own opinion I think the stats on the items I have now far outweigh the 4 set bonus.
I've tried to solve it with Enhsim but in all honesty the Simulator baffles me and won't make me any wiser on what is better for me at the moment.
I have no problems DPSing or anything I'm just wondering if this gear setup is better than getting t11 4set.
Enhancement Question about gear.
Enhancement Question about gear.
- Posts: 1
Re: Enhancement Question about gear.
- Posts: 1
The 4pc set bonus is likely going to be a flat dps increase over whatever other pieces you may put together for a while. The legs and chest should only be non-tier in the case of Sinestra legs AND Maloriak chest (not the chest individually); otherwise, your gloves should be off-tier (Heroic Halfus gloves). Until you can pick and choose your best pieces, it should be the best case scenario of picking up and maintaining your 4pc.
The BiS setup is going to vary a bit depending on availability (obviously), but after having done thousands of iterations of simulated combat, this seems to be the most direct answer to your question.
I hope that helps a bit.
The BiS setup is going to vary a bit depending on availability (obviously), but after having done thousands of iterations of simulated combat, this seems to be the most direct answer to your question.
I hope that helps a bit.
2 posts -