I've been healing 10 mans for quite a while.
Is it good to prioritize int>spirit>mastery>crit>haste? I think haste is top priority secondary stat for 25 mans, but not sure about 10.
I think Mastery is good now and will be even better in the patch. Also, is it worthwhile to reforge spirit onto items that don't have any on it, rather than reforging mastery/crit on?
Here is my armory, if you find me making some fatal errors, could you please point them out and show how I can improve?
Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/draka/p êrfèct/advanced
Healing 10 mans
Healing 10 mans
- Posts: 1
Re: Healing 10 mans
- Posts: 1
I'm writing to you becouse I have big problem with healing 10man hc. I have big trouble to kept people alive. Main spell I use in battle is Riptide, GHW or HW ( it depends how many hp my target have ),chain heal and healing rain (when need).
Other healer on raid are : druid and paladyn. When we end battle ( or wipe ) I have the smallest amount of hps- 8-9k... when paladyn or driud have 15k+ ...
Could you tell me how you heal?
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/b ... l/advanced
Other healer on raid are : druid and paladyn. When we end battle ( or wipe ) I have the smallest amount of hps- 8-9k... when paladyn or driud have 15k+ ...
Could you tell me how you heal?
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/b ... l/advanced
Re: Healing 10 mans
- Posts: 3
I do 10mans with disco priest and resto druid. The druid healers are rly powerful now, disco priests are fine too, when we end battle I'm doing 8-11k hps. Imo that's normal for shamans, because shamans are a lot better in 25man raids, that's sad, but true. Best healers setup on 10man is priest / druid / paladin.
Re: Healing 10 mans
- Posts: 1
916haste, 50% mastery , and over 17% cri (reforge all ur spirit items to crit), look thru ur recount over healing if ur over healing is more than druid, pally. u are doing wrong. 8-9k hps cos they top up the players b4 u finish casting.
back to wotlk resto shaman is able to solo heal toc 10 pugs, cos of the inifinity mana, and blizzard have rechange the healing class regen thru spirit in cata, and nerf again our resto shaman mana tide totem in 4.2, if u look thru my gears spirit been reforge to crit, the only burn phase u need 50-70% mana to get thru it,why spirit to crit cos of this [Telluric Currents] u gain more mana thru crit bolt,why everyone say spirit for resto shaman,once u play well with ur class u dont need lots of spirits.in a 10mins duration fight most healers have equal 1min free time. as a resto shaman the 1 min free time is a gold, shoot the lightingbolt.its like 1min fight u have roundly 10sec doing nothing,so use this 10sec time to shoot the lightingbolt.
p.s may ur healing spell always be crit
back to wotlk resto shaman is able to solo heal toc 10 pugs, cos of the inifinity mana, and blizzard have rechange the healing class regen thru spirit in cata, and nerf again our resto shaman mana tide totem in 4.2, if u look thru my gears spirit been reforge to crit, the only burn phase u need 50-70% mana to get thru it,why spirit to crit cos of this [Telluric Currents] u gain more mana thru crit bolt,why everyone say spirit for resto shaman,once u play well with ur class u dont need lots of spirits.in a 10mins duration fight most healers have equal 1min free time. as a resto shaman the 1 min free time is a gold, shoot the lightingbolt.its like 1min fight u have roundly 10sec doing nothing,so use this 10sec time to shoot the lightingbolt.
p.s may ur healing spell always be crit
4 posts -