Hello guys, I love watching your boss kill vids, very enjoyable.
I am an ilvl 362 ele sham lookin to get as much help as I can. I know that movement and AOE has always been our downfall and probably always will be unless Blizz gets off their asses and does something about it and therefore are being put aside in many of the heroic cata raids but I don’t want to let them die without at least giving it my best to not let it happen. I will attach a link to my armory page and a link to a log of our most recent attempt on our farthest progression boss, Maloriak. Little background, been ele since beginning of wrath, went all thru naxx, uld, toc, icc on norm and 4/5 toc (hard mode) and 11/12 icc (hard mode). Current expansion I am 11/12 normal and 2/13 hard mode and looking to help my guild progress farther. We have Halfus and Chimeron down in hard mode and working on Maloriak. Raid comp normally has 1 or 2 pally tanks, 1 warr tank, and sometimes a dk or druid tank. 4-5 hunters, 1 dk, 1 dps warr, 1 ret, 3 mages, 3 locks, 1 boomkin, and myself as ele sham, 2 resto shams 1 resto druid, 2 h-pallys, 1-2 priests.
Now down to business, on Halfus I am normally doing between 50k-55k while being on interrupt duty and on Chim I normally doin around 18k-20k with casts of healing rain during feud phases. Maloriak however I am doing 18k-19k (also on interrupt duty here) which needs to be increased to help down this guy.
my armory page, any help on possible reforging/enchanting/gemming/spec/glyph changes that are possible with what I have. Possible gear to switch out are the security measure alpha (ring of monition defense system normal) and the Bell of Enraging Resonace (359 trinket from Atramedes) and the Kingdom’s Heart (359 shield off Atramedes).
I know that stat priority is hit cap > int > haste=mastery > crit just like it always has been.
I know that cast priority is fire totem down > FS on target > LvB > ES on 7-9 lightning shield charges > LB (single target) > CL (if multi targets IE beginning of halfus fight).
I just can’t seem to figure out how to improve my numbers. I use a volcanic potion during lust phases and use the Berserking with Elemental Mastery at the beginning of fights which I have seen ~28k-30k dps but then falls to ~22k on turret mode with 0 interrupt duty.
http://worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-404lo7mdeoo76c87/details/5/ this is the log of our most recent attempt on maloriak. We are going back at him on tonight and I was hoping to get some feedback on how to improve.
Thanks for all your help,
85 troll shaman, US- Bonechewer
Ele shaman lookin for help
Ele shaman lookin for help
- Posts: 1
Re: Ele shaman lookin for help
- Posts: 54
If your still looking for help, i have an ele shammy. Unfortunately im at school just now and cant link the armoury but to start off with when you have capped your hit, reforge all crit to haste or mastery ( you may have already done this but like i said im at school and dont know what reforging you have done). Enchanting on stuff should be Int enchants where possible ( Bracers and Cloak ) and either mastery and haste for other items whatever you need more of. Gemming, should be for Blue sockets should be 20 int 20 spirit if your not quite hit capped, red sockets should be pure int and yellow sockets you either be 20 int 20 haste. I cant look at your currnet spec or glyphs just now but i can when i get home and update this post. To replace the omnitron ring if you havent already done so would be with the spirit ring from valor points AFTER you get your tier pieces. For the rotation i am a big fan of pre-potting so your getting a good start on dps, also for your rotation there if you have the 2 piece bonus for t12 make sure you always have your Fire elemental out as it is a MASSIVE dps increase, and also make sure that you are using UL with flametongue on your weapon. You should be using EM as much as possible as your LB and your CL decrease the cd of it by 2 seconds i think ( correct me if im wrong ).
Thats about it the date of your post is in april so you may have already done this and got better gear, but hope this helps a bit.
Thats about it the date of your post is in april so you may have already done this and got better gear, but hope this helps a bit.
2 posts -