Questions regarding Elemental shamans

Questions regarding Elemental shamans

Post 21 Jan 2011 22:13

Avatar Madsedelskov
Posts: 1

First of, grats on the sinestra kill..
Was kinda sad to see no shamans on the kill :/

I've looked over a few elemental shamans on armory, mostly shamans playing at a higher level.
And came across some different reforging, than what many guides are saying..
So what is the theory on Mastery vs haste, after being hitcapped ofcourse.

Also.. What are your thoughts on the elemental buffs we gain in 4.0.6? is it enough? Will it bring us up close to par with the other spell casters?

Re: Questions regarding Elemental shamans

Post 21 Jan 2011 22:40

User avatarKyy
Posts: 158
Well first of all haste > mastery pretty much in all encounters. As for raw numbers, there is better site such as ej to look on those.

about 4.0.6 changes, no those wont be enough. Problem with ele shaman currently is the fact that a) movement is way more punishing for ele then any other caster in game b) Ele shaman aoe is pathetic.

Now that we look at current encounters available, pretty much every single one of em need either lot of aoe to deal with adds or require lots of movement. And since Ele shaman is weak in both cases and the patch notes don't really give any real solution for those I don't see how the patch would change anything.

Hating with passion