Hey Kyylol and Kahva:D
i have been testing beta abit not alot, but i have got to alot of questions. About the factor of playing a Resto Shaman in cataclysm. Also after the changes, the nerfs and the buffs during the last months. Have just made me wondering:).. i hope you guys could help me on this :D
I have been looking on EJ, but just the speccs is making me VERY confused on the factor of how much i was in need of mana .. but here they are:
* Raid healing (3/7/31 - http://www.wowhead.com/talent#hhZbhMZcGfMRdcoGo)
* Tank Healing (3/7/31 - http://www.wowhead.com/talent#hhZbhMZcGfMsdcouo)
* My own specc (0/7/34 - http://wowtal.com/#k=m1Am7roL1.a8t.shaman.) - im still working on finding other solutions.. - i dont know if you guys have anything to this but please come with it..
i have been looking on gear both from only heroics and from raiding dungeons. It ofc made we wonder, are we gonna have any kind of Soft cap again on the haste or is that just Gone ?
so i was wondering what would you guys Suggest that the gemming for a Resto shaman in cata is gonna be beside's Haste :)..
Spells i was wondering on how usefull will Chain heal be over Healing rain? and Will shaman's just be adding the 10% Physical Damage Reduce buff or what ?.
Is Chain heal gonna be a main heal on the same fact as it is now or will that be changed with more Single target healing with Healing wave/Healing surge or ?
i hope you guys can give me some light on this stuff and i hope you will help :)
Kyylol i would love that screenshot :D
i hope to see you guys being first on everything again this expansion :).. GL and HF with raiding
What race would you take: Goblin - Troll - Orc - Tauren :)?
Question's about Resto Shaman for Kyylol and Kahva
Re: Question's about Resto Shaman for Kyylol and Kahva
- Posts: 158
Your spec looks fine, it's far better then the ones from ej if you ask me. For some reason they seem to favor useless talents over useful ones there. So yea, stick with the one you've been working on. My resto is going to look pretty similar. I most likely will take either Ancestral resolve or 2/3 on Nature's guardian instead of that cleansing waters tho.
During beta I mostly went for haste gems. I also tried a bit with crit and int gems for tank healing. It felt slightly better for single target only use but overall haste is the way to go for me at least. You can't really have too much of anything early in cata.
During beta I found myself mostly using chain heal and riptide on cd. Healing rain is so expensive on mana that you need to think a bit on using it. But it's obviously used a lot. Some healing wave and greater healing wave to top ppl or tank. So one could say that healing didn't change that greatly for shamans.
Keeping the physical dmg reduce on tanks is still a big part of our game but I didn't have that much of an issue with it even with the new gimp crit %.
As for healing style, I'm pretty sure chain heal stays as our "main" casted heal. Based on beta I just can't see us playing effectively by casting single target heals.
As for race, I'm still bit unsure. Mainly due the fact I'm not sure if it's resto or ele I and up playing more. But for resto only I'd go goblin.
ps. I try to remember to take some decent UI screenshot on next raid, I'll post it on that ui thread later. Think someone else was asking it there as well.
Your spec looks fine, it's far better then the ones from ej if you ask me. For some reason they seem to favor useless talents over useful ones there. So yea, stick with the one you've been working on. My resto is going to look pretty similar. I most likely will take either Ancestral resolve or 2/3 on Nature's guardian instead of that cleansing waters tho.
During beta I mostly went for haste gems. I also tried a bit with crit and int gems for tank healing. It felt slightly better for single target only use but overall haste is the way to go for me at least. You can't really have too much of anything early in cata.
During beta I found myself mostly using chain heal and riptide on cd. Healing rain is so expensive on mana that you need to think a bit on using it. But it's obviously used a lot. Some healing wave and greater healing wave to top ppl or tank. So one could say that healing didn't change that greatly for shamans.
Keeping the physical dmg reduce on tanks is still a big part of our game but I didn't have that much of an issue with it even with the new gimp crit %.
As for healing style, I'm pretty sure chain heal stays as our "main" casted heal. Based on beta I just can't see us playing effectively by casting single target heals.
As for race, I'm still bit unsure. Mainly due the fact I'm not sure if it's resto or ele I and up playing more. But for resto only I'd go goblin.
ps. I try to remember to take some decent UI screenshot on next raid, I'll post it on that ui thread later. Think someone else was asking it there as well.
Hating with passion
2 posts -