Helou everyone; yet another demo question. If you have time, I'd like to hear your thoughts about it.
So my char is this
http://chardev.org/?profile=101626 and I play demo full time now. It does have
2002 haste (so gets the 1993 corruption thick), and it's also 16.87 hit, close enough to cap. And it stays on
14.96 mastery!
Then I did this profile:
http://chardev.org/?profile=101292, that is a redirection from haste to mastery. Yet I get the hit,
19.2 mastery and
1198 haste.
I know my gear might look strange because of the valor points trinket (i do like to time it with demo and demon soul @ once and also save it for demo + demon soul + pot while heroism, I do have other 2 trinkets in bag... but none HC) or dunno what else could be strange... I want to talk about
So I simcrafted the 2 profiles, and the mastery one wins by 70 dps; on demo profile, I did 40 40 intel on belt (instead of 40 20 + hit), so that 70 dps might actually come from the gem change. This might leave me equal dps on both profiles, while simcrafting.
So, making abstraction of all the other stats, I would say the simcraft conclusion was:
14.96 mastery + 1993 haste = 19.2 mastery + 1198 hasteI do read this forum and also this page constant, and I do remember one answer from Jubeto, when he stated that being just over 1993 haste it feels as a boost, especially @ multi dotting.
Now the question is... did anyone (perhaps Jubeto) tried to go deep into mastery (like 20%)? Was those results worst than with 1993 haste? While i do follow your logs also, and I see what Jubeto get from his "poor" warlock (well, sometime I think it's 2 much, I'd say he's not human... but I wait for paragon members 2 confirm this :P ), it just makes me wonder if going max mastery (especially with the high end gear that players from paragon have access on)... will make it better, worst.
Once again, on my char... I shall test myself the mastery profile into one raid, and have my own answer (maybe some bad/good RNG will influence the results), but I'd like to know this about the 272/279 gear.
Thank ya very much and take your time; I don't need it like "help" but it was more curious than helpless :)
Congratz for your progress and best luck in Firelands progress,
PS: last time I was troololing on your forums, I was stalking Manni... but since I went demo 2 months ago, don't take it personal, but I keep the eye more on Jubeto now; no hard feelings! Still 2 many no 1/2 ranks for Jubeto as demo, does he drink Dr. Pepper? :)
PPS: the char really exists,
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/vashj/jamayk/advanced :) I used chardev, because wow armory have a problem with the "random enchants" on the throne of the 4 drops, like the ring that I have.