Hey I am a warlock from LB.
This is a question to both locks Daewyn and Verdisha.
What i can see on paragon newest released videos is that both of you start with high dps and fall a bit in dps and still keep doing high dps.
What i can see on amory is that amory doesnt show the right numbers. It saying you have 14% hit cap but what i can see on the cap number is that you almost is around 15%.
I can also see that you have at least 10% haste rating ++, And a lot of mastery as it possible.
My Amory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/l ... n/advanced
My boss pull start is soul burn and soul swap to get all dots up fast. And then i click on a macro that activate my /cast Blood Fury
/cast Dark Soul: Misery
And then use my [Summon Doomguard].
And use [Malefic Grasp] after dots is up and when boss hit 20% I use [Drain Soul]. And of course I use my CD as possible to push the dps.
Well you I know that [Agony] need to be hold up so it do as much dmg as possible on 10stacks.
What about [Corruption], should I refresh it on 3-8sec left by cutting it, or should I let it run out and then dot is up again?
Same issue with [Unstable Affliction].
Haunt i try to keep up as possible if i got shards to get. Is the some way to allways get any shards, because in a fight i allways have no shard only if it regenrate one, but else I have no shards until boss hit 20% then I soul drain, and I have shards to easily hold my dots up by using soul burn and soul swap and haunt. Aoe is not a problem for me, but it is on the single target.
• Does I have wrong reforge, 15%hit too much?
• Haste on last 10% and as most mastery as possible is that wrong?
• And does I do a wrong rotations?
• Should I Pop my trinket and Cd before I cast dots up, or should I cast dots up first and then use my CD marco?
• A lot questions, but hope I get a respond so I can improve my dps in raid and the way I play.
• My Steady DPs on Raid dummy 52~54k, that that normal with my stats?
Please respond fast as possible :)
Help to Affil spec.
Help to Affil spec.
- Posts: 8
Re: Help to Affil spec.
- Posts: 8
By the way i do have the crafted epic hand in the bag that give hit and mastery, But i use that hand, i will get under 15% hit cap and 100int less but 2% more mastery. Should i use the crafted han instead of pvp?
Re: Help to Affil spec.
- Posts: 91
15% is still the hit cap and I would encourage you to aim for it, makes your rotation a bit smoother and while decreasing your theoretical dps by very little. When it comes to stat weights overall, I would suggest you to run Simcraft simulation on your own character to see what your current stat values are and make your gear decisions based on that.
Warlocks have plenty of small "haste caps", like one for each dot and one for each dot during bloodlust. They aren't too important but having higher haste also gives you better soulshard regeneration which again makes your rotation work a bit smoother. I have personally aimed for 4717 haste, which gives an additional tick to corruption. Here again I would recommend you to use Simcraft to find out your real stat values and make the decision based on that, but as your gear gets better, mastery starts to get higher and higher value compared tyo other stats.
When we look at your rotation, I believe you are right with your basics. I would recommend you to use your cooldowns before you get your dots up though (both Misery and "cooldown button", whatever it includes) to get maximum benefit out of them. You should refresh your dots before they fall off usually, but if you are refreshing cooldowned dots with non-cooldowned dots (if you understand my point) you should wait for them to fall off first.
I have personally no idea if your dummy dps is good or not, you could compare it to your simcraft theoretical dps to get some kind of rough indication how your dps should look like but other than that I would say the numbers that matter are the ones that are happening in raid encounters and you should compare those to other players in your guild and to for example other warlocks at worldoflogs.com
I hope I was able to help you with your questions, feel free to contact me in game for further assistance if you happen to need any.
Warlocks have plenty of small "haste caps", like one for each dot and one for each dot during bloodlust. They aren't too important but having higher haste also gives you better soulshard regeneration which again makes your rotation work a bit smoother. I have personally aimed for 4717 haste, which gives an additional tick to corruption. Here again I would recommend you to use Simcraft to find out your real stat values and make the decision based on that, but as your gear gets better, mastery starts to get higher and higher value compared tyo other stats.
When we look at your rotation, I believe you are right with your basics. I would recommend you to use your cooldowns before you get your dots up though (both Misery and "cooldown button", whatever it includes) to get maximum benefit out of them. You should refresh your dots before they fall off usually, but if you are refreshing cooldowned dots with non-cooldowned dots (if you understand my point) you should wait for them to fall off first.
I have personally no idea if your dummy dps is good or not, you could compare it to your simcraft theoretical dps to get some kind of rough indication how your dps should look like but other than that I would say the numbers that matter are the ones that are happening in raid encounters and you should compare those to other players in your guild and to for example other warlocks at worldoflogs.com
I hope I was able to help you with your questions, feel free to contact me in game for further assistance if you happen to need any.
3 posts -