I have problem with my Dps and i thing it is Re-forge problem. I play with Destro spec.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/a ... rrs/simple mby you can tell me what iam doing wrong and how i need correctly re-forge stats with this gear:/ this is from yesterday raids - http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/smz119pdra4u66m8/
DS is my first raid ever and i just whant make it good as i can!
Warlock re-forge
Warlock re-forge
- Posts: 2
Re: Warlock re-forge
- Posts: 91
I would say that your reforges are a bit random, or can you say that you followed a certain pattern with it? However, destruction has the most identical stat values out of the warlock specs so as long as you have correct amount of hit and maximum amount of intellect, the differences aren't that big. If you for example have on average 150 wrong stat reforged on your every item, it would still be only around 500 dps difference which leads me to believe that there are other ways for you to improve your peformance which are more important.
Have you practiced your rotation and boss mechanics properly?
Are you using consumables?
Do you have all raid buffs in your setup?
I personally haven't played destruction during this tier so I'm not sure how the stat values behave with different levels of gear but http://www.simulationcraft.org/433/Warlock.html has the stat values for each spec for BiS (or arguably almost BiS as it lacks a few things like epic gems for example) gear and should help you to find out what you are supposed to reforge from and to. Basically it says that haste is your worst stat so you should reforge out of it whenever you can and depending on your situation crit and mastery are pretty much identical.
TLDR: Your reforging is a bit off and I have given you instructions to fix it but it only makes a difference of a couple of hundred dps. I encourage you to practice and polish your own gameplay and make sure you have all necessary buffs and encounter information available to ensure best performance.
Feel free to contact me if I failed to answer to your question :)
Have you practiced your rotation and boss mechanics properly?
Are you using consumables?
Do you have all raid buffs in your setup?
I personally haven't played destruction during this tier so I'm not sure how the stat values behave with different levels of gear but http://www.simulationcraft.org/433/Warlock.html has the stat values for each spec for BiS (or arguably almost BiS as it lacks a few things like epic gems for example) gear and should help you to find out what you are supposed to reforge from and to. Basically it says that haste is your worst stat so you should reforge out of it whenever you can and depending on your situation crit and mastery are pretty much identical.
TLDR: Your reforging is a bit off and I have given you instructions to fix it but it only makes a difference of a couple of hundred dps. I encourage you to practice and polish your own gameplay and make sure you have all necessary buffs and encounter information available to ensure best performance.
Feel free to contact me if I failed to answer to your question :)
2 posts -