Hello locks readers!
I need some advices for my main toon, a lock called Fáche (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/ragnaros/F%C3%A1che/simple) I use demo for all fight in ds. My guild have a ele shammy, so if you think that i must change to destro/aff, is good for my.
Some of the last log are: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/sd4agv2svv17xwgx/sum/damageDone/?s=894&e=1228 (If some can see the rest of the fights and see if my dps is good, i will apreciate)
1st: Is good my reforging? I have 17% hit, at least 1993 haste, so rest to mastery.
2nd: weapon stuff: i am building my legendary, but that will take a LOOONG time... So, i am using ti'tahk meanwhile i am waiting for the off-hand from trash (I already have the rathrak) or the lightning rod. Question: what i must use meanwhile i finish the legendary http://www.wowhead.com/compare?items=77190;77221;77195:77938;71409
3rd: trinket stuff: Already i have MWC, DCV, ICM lfr (We're waiting for CoC and WoU but... And although I RLY hate the loot rules from lfr, i try to farm that trinkets....) Q: What combination must i use? I'm using MWC and DCV but...
4th: This is a question I have in my head since Majordomo H: Supose i make a mistake, and i start the fight with BoD (cool, right?) so i pump MWC, Meta, SB, DS: Felguard and I continue with my normal rotation but no a new BoD:
- The old BoD, has been buffed with new stats o the damage that it do is from my original stats?
- In the middle of a fight, when renewing my cds, I have to return to relaunch all the dots?
- In the middle of fight, supose i have a unbuffed immolate, i pump all my cds, and use HoG: the new immolate pumped for the HoG is buffed or i must cast a new immolate?
Well, i think that's all... Thanks for your time, and SORRY for my english, Greeting from Argentina :D
Need some advice...
Need some advice...
- Posts: 2
Re: Need some advice...
- Posts: 91
1. I'd prefer to not go through your every item to check if your reforging is optimally formed but it seems that you have the priorities right. The haste cap isn't even something you need to have but if you are close to it anyway, it's of course beneficial to go for it.
2. In terms of personal dps, you are probably best off with Lighting Rod. The value of ti'tahk depends on your raid so exact values are hard to say but I personally wouldn't use it as a warlock in any situation. I recently made the calculations for my mage (for heroic versions naturally) and I came to the conclusion that it's a personal dps loss but a small overall dps gain in optimal conditions so I would guess it's pretty close to that as a warlock.
3. If you don't like to use Simcraft yourself, I'd suggest checking http://elitistjerks.com/f80/t110222-sim ... m_edition/ to get some kind of values for your trinkets. Remember that those numbers don't count static stats on the trinket so you need to add those to your comparison. In your case MWC and DMC:V should be your best combination.
4. Generally speaking, whenever you refresh a dot, it takes the stats you currently have in account. The word "refresh" also includes skull of guldan, fel flame and haunt refreshes. That also means that casting doom first and not refreshing it when your cooldowns are actually up is a dps loss. However, with all the other dots it's not usually worth it to refresh them unless they are about to end unless the buffs you have are somwhat excessive, which shouldn't happen in any of the encounters in Dragon Soul.
Feel free to contact me in-game, at IRC or with PM if you feel that any of your questions was left unanswered, but my suggestion to you would be to study Elitistjerks a bit more so you could learn how to find that information by yourself. In the long run it makes you a better player :)
2. In terms of personal dps, you are probably best off with Lighting Rod. The value of ti'tahk depends on your raid so exact values are hard to say but I personally wouldn't use it as a warlock in any situation. I recently made the calculations for my mage (for heroic versions naturally) and I came to the conclusion that it's a personal dps loss but a small overall dps gain in optimal conditions so I would guess it's pretty close to that as a warlock.
3. If you don't like to use Simcraft yourself, I'd suggest checking http://elitistjerks.com/f80/t110222-sim ... m_edition/ to get some kind of values for your trinkets. Remember that those numbers don't count static stats on the trinket so you need to add those to your comparison. In your case MWC and DMC:V should be your best combination.
4. Generally speaking, whenever you refresh a dot, it takes the stats you currently have in account. The word "refresh" also includes skull of guldan, fel flame and haunt refreshes. That also means that casting doom first and not refreshing it when your cooldowns are actually up is a dps loss. However, with all the other dots it's not usually worth it to refresh them unless they are about to end unless the buffs you have are somwhat excessive, which shouldn't happen in any of the encounters in Dragon Soul.
Feel free to contact me in-game, at IRC or with PM if you feel that any of your questions was left unanswered, but my suggestion to you would be to study Elitistjerks a bit more so you could learn how to find that information by yourself. In the long run it makes you a better player :)
Re: Need some advice...
- Posts: 2
Thanks Daewyn for the reply. I'm practically new in WoW, i read a lot from mmo, ej and here to learn, btw I had some specific questions like the 4, but now everything is clearer. Thanks again :)
3 posts -