Dear Paragon members or other warlocks.
I have recently acquired the trinket Will of Unbinding.
And although it is really nice, I have problems with the stacks and summoning my doomquard.
Normally I am used to pop everything at the start, my power torrent proc, use soulburn, use meta and pop Doomguard.
Now my only problem now is, that at the time power torrent is about to fall of, I didn't manage to let Will of Unbinding to stack to ten yet. I get stuck at around 6 -> 8 stacks.
I use my Doomguard, since I think I need to pop it with power torrent.
I was thinking of tricks that maybe stack Will of Unbinding faster, or maybe wait with popping my doomguard not at the start? But then I have to hope that my power torrent lines up with my Meta and maybe have to delay my soulburn as well, decreasing the total amounts of using soulburn.
Any warlocks with tips, would be really nice.
PS. I can't seem to find which stats get snapshotted for my metamorphosis. I know mastery does, and haste doesn't but I am not sure about the other stats.
Doomguard and Will of Unbinding
Doomguard and Will of Unbinding
- Posts: 11
Re: Doomguard and Will of Unbinding
- Posts: 3
I don't play warlock but as a caster I think you can easly get your stacks before pull. Like from casting hellfire before Ultraxion when boss is about to be pulled, or if ur guild uses pull-timers before pull. Although it can be problematic with ur power torrent proc before pull also but it might work better.
Re: Doomguard and Will of Unbinding
- Posts: 91
Hellfire doesn't stack the trinket so using it would be just waste of time.
Only mastery snapshots with Meta, so with all the other cds/procs you'll want to have as high uptime as possible <during> the Meta.
Probably the most optimal way to do your opening rotation is to simply pop the Doomguard (which benefits from your intellect aswell) right before your first procs are about to fall off, which usually means that your trinket hasn't gained full stacks yet. The differences in DG damage are pretty small though, so you might want to concentrate more on actually perfecting your rotation which will have a lot bigger impact on your dps than few stacks of 88 int buff.
I haven't really raided with Will of the Unbinding though so I lack the experience to tell how you are supposed to optimally get the stacks up at the start.
Only mastery snapshots with Meta, so with all the other cds/procs you'll want to have as high uptime as possible <during> the Meta.
Probably the most optimal way to do your opening rotation is to simply pop the Doomguard (which benefits from your intellect aswell) right before your first procs are about to fall off, which usually means that your trinket hasn't gained full stacks yet. The differences in DG damage are pretty small though, so you might want to concentrate more on actually perfecting your rotation which will have a lot bigger impact on your dps than few stacks of 88 int buff.
I haven't really raided with Will of the Unbinding though so I lack the experience to tell how you are supposed to optimally get the stacks up at the start.
3 posts -