trinket bis question
trinket bis question
- Posts: 7
i know they say that the bis trinket is the CoC and the Will of unbinding , why isnt the insignia better then the CoC the CoC is for like a aoe encounter not single target. kinda sucks i vendored my CoC cause i get more dps from insignia of the corrupted mind
Re: trinket bis question
- Posts: 16
What spec are you playing? Cunning only scales with the mastery from Demonology and Affliction, making it not as good as Insignia for Destruction. If you're playing Demonology and Affliction, cunning provides higher single target DPS than Insignia. I'd think about ticketing that vendored item back if I were you ;)
Re: trinket bis question
- Posts: 7
i did get it back i am running CoC / WoU , i dont have my 4 pc set yet i have 3 of them so currently i am running 2 piece t12 2 piece t13 to get my haste at where it needs to be. Without di i am 2651 haste but mastery and crit is a little low .. should i revert back to using my 4 piece t12 until i get the 4th piece t13 ( i have 2 LFR pieces and 1 normal ) for the 3 i do have .. if i do that my haste is 2300 and some.. i am affliction and here is my armory ... ife/simple
thank you for your help ... ife/simple
thank you for your help
3 posts -