Hi there Warlocks of Paragon! My question is simple: a Demo lock with 4pc can still hardcast FG for DS and then soulburn the FH or is better always use Soulburn + SF?
Thanks in advance. =)
EDIT. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/h ... 6/advanced this is my armory. As you can see i don't reach any haste cap. It's ok or you suggest to reach at least 1573 with this gear?
Demo and 4pc bonus
Demo and 4pc bonus
- Posts: 19
Re: Demo and 4pc bonus
- Posts: 28
Hermanni wrote:Ignore the haste stuff and you'll be happier. [...] No honestly, unless you fall close to either number on maximum mastery reforges, you don't need to bother thinking about these.
Jubeto wrote:Petswapping for demon soul (edit:talking about chaliceless play) _GENERALLY_ isn't worth it. The few conditions I'm usually doing it is if there is some downtime like on some transition phases or adds incoming which needs to be AoE'd.
Re: Demo and 4pc bonus
- Posts: 7
If Petswapping isn't worth it - which demon do you use then? Felguard or Felhunter?
Re: Demo and 4pc bonus
- Posts: 28
The felguard is generally only worth it if you can aoe with every felstorm, like for example at ryolith. In the T13 content it is imho only viable at Yor'sahj and Madness, maybe in P1 of the Blackhorn encounter, although demo generally isn't that hot there.
6 posts -