Warlock 2 PC bonus..a waste?
Warlock 2 PC bonus..a waste?
- Posts: 10
I dont see any fight, normal or heroic, where we can pop the doomguard more than once. We have cleared 5/8 on heroic mode, and yet i see only one point where the doomguard can be used, since bosses enrage in 6 minutes. I feel only the extra seconds on the dg are useful as of now. The only place i saw the 6 min cd useful is when the guild rushes through lfr :\
Re: Warlock 2 PC bonus..a waste?
- Posts: 18
- Location: Maryland
Well on Madness it can be used twice even without the set bonus; however, the bonus allows us to pick and chose where in the fight we want to pop them (to and extent). But the extra 30 seconds of them up certainly isnt something to shake a stick at either...
Re: Warlock 2 PC bonus..a waste?
- Posts: 2
the extra time is a good chunk of damage alone if can be used on Yorsajh twice aswell
Re: Warlock 2 PC bonus..a waste?
- Posts: 6
Don't know if this is considered an "exploit" but you can pop dg 2secs before fight while wearing 2 pc tier 13 then swap back to 4 pc t12 before the fight starts.
Re: Warlock 2 PC bonus..a waste?
- Posts: 9
qaz wrote:Don't know if this is considered an "exploit" but you can pop dg 2secs before fight while wearing 2 pc tier 13 then swap back to 4 pc t12 before the fight starts.
Keep in mind it wont benefit from any int procs like power torrent by doing this.
6 posts -