Desperate need of help

Desperate need of help

Post 05 Dec 2011 05:44

Avatar Demoralise
Posts: 2
Hello there to any and all who read this.

We are currently progressing through DS and are stuck at ultrax. For some reason at this patch my dps dropped from around 28k down to 22k on average if you ignore the bursts. I have read everything and anything i could think of.

This is the current spec and gear i am using ... ise/simple (i know the helm sucks doing my best to replace atm)

My rotation is as follows

CoE, demon soul, meta, lifeblood, Bane of doom, Instant Soul Fire, immo aura, immolate, corruption, HoG, incinerate.

I am pre potting, and blowing every cooldown i have during our BL.

Please if anyone if you have any info to help my dps i'm desperate right now.

Re: Desperate need of help

Post 05 Dec 2011 10:45

Avatar SybanDraenor
Posts: 54
well depends when you are popping bloodlust cause if you are popping it at about 35% you can use your cd's twice

Re: Desperate need of help

Post 05 Dec 2011 15:48

Avatar Táuno
Posts: 48
Precast Shadowbolt, Demon Soul, Demon form, Immolate, HoG, Corruption, Bane of Doom, Immo aura, Shadowflame, (CoE if you have to) and just keep dots up and Spam Inci and Soulfire after hitting 25%. You also should start with Felguard and use felstorm and switch to Felhunter with soulburn when felstorm ends. And try to time your shadowflame its on your target when your felhunter uses Shadowbite. You should also use Doomguard in start when you have all your trinket procs and volcanic potion on.

Re: Desperate need of help

Post 06 Dec 2011 00:00

Avatar Demoralise
Posts: 2
We are blowing all cooldowns with under a 3m cd at the start of the fight and then at the 3m mark (depending on twilight) we are blowing BL and everything we have and then our Cd's are our own for the rest of the fight and i am blowing them every time they are up.

I am Precasting soul harvest to get as many of my trinkets and enchants procced before the fight and then i am pre potting and blowing my starter macro which is Demo Soul, Meta, Lifeblood and CoE (i'm the only CoE effect in our raid group) at the three min mark i am blowing Demon Soul, Meta, Lifeblood, Volcanic Pot, and then Doomguard once everything is procced so that his snapshot is as high as i can get my stats.

I will switch to that rotation and add in shadowflame as well as the switching of the guard to hound and timing shadowflame. I was under the impression that shadowflame was for multi target fights. Did that change this patch or have i just been doing it wrong this entire time?

Thank you so much for the advice. If the new information i gave changes anything i would love to keep learning from the best. Thank you again for taking the time.