just another question about demonology

just another question about demonology

Post 02 Dec 2011 14:13

Avatar forlife
Posts: 7
Hellos Dream Paragon ,

I am a demo lock i lvl 375, since patch 4.3 came out i no longer am able to pull the dps i did in 4.2 due to the doomguard nerf thats understandable and all but the question is this , i went to wow reforge and optimized my gear it had me at around 18.22% mastery but with only 8.87 % haste and almost 17% crit .. From what i have read the stats are mastery > haste > crit .. so i took some of my crit away and got up to 12.60 % haste , i dont see a difference between the low haste compared to the changes i made .. should i go back down to 9% haste higher crit and over 18% mastery .. here is my armory

http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/e ... ife/simple

Much appriciated if you can help

Thanks forlife