I'm having a hard time figuring out or finding answers to these questions, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Say my Immolate was cast during Metamorphosis and Demon Soul: Felhunter and now the buffs are gone and my Hand of Gul'dan has come off cooldown.
Should I cast Hand of Gul'dan right away or should I let Immolate tick till the last 2 or 3 seconds?
Say my Bane of Doom was cast during Metamorphosis and Demon Soul: Felhunter and now the buffs are gone.
Should I recast Bane of Doom at 14 seconds or should I let the full duration finish and then recast?
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/b ... l/advanced
Demonology question (Refreshing dots)
Re: Demonology question (Refreshing dots)
- Táuno
- Posts: 48
Use Hand of Gul'dan Right away. And let full duration of bane of doom to finish before recasting. Its dps loss if you refresh it before it runs out.
3 posts -