I see all these posts about people asking for help etc and I'm sorry to make a new thread but idk if you guys keep checking the old posts constantly. I just started Demo for our raid to get the spell power buff since we haven't been able to recruit a full time demo. I wanna do the best I can as demo and just need a few pointers. First I'll start off by showing my gear.
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/k ... %BA/simple
I don't have the Moonwell Chalice trinket yet but I will in a few days from dailies. Now I can't decide if I should replace DMC:Volcano or VPLC. That's the only issue i have about gear. Now for Stats etc. I saw you guys mention 1993 haste as demo, but i don't understand why you guys go to 1993. If this can be explained a bit that will be very helpful. And next will be dps rotations. The only major issue i have is when i should pop Meta in boss fights. I read about using felguard at first for felstorm then soulburning for a felhunter. I can do that fairly easy. Only question about the pet switching is only doing it once in the beginning enough to maximize dps? Sorry to ask all these questions but trying to learn all i can about demo all of sudden is a lot to soak up. Any tips or advice would be helpful. Also could i get a trinket ranking for demo?
New to Demo.
New to Demo.
- Posts: 3
Re: New to Demo.
- Posts: 341
1993 haste is an extra Corruption tick which isn't needed on high gear levels, 1556 (or something) haste is extra Immolate tick which isn't very relevant in single-target. You don't need to worry about either when your gear is at a level at which mastery outshines haste hard, unless you can get them without sacrificing too much mastery.
For the general demo questions, I've a feeling I've answered a fair few of those lately so you might find your answer by just checking through the recent threads and last two or so pages of my post history. Ask again if you didn't find the info you where looking for.
For the general demo questions, I've a feeling I've answered a fair few of those lately so you might find your answer by just checking through the recent threads and last two or so pages of my post history. Ask again if you didn't find the info you where looking for.
Re: New to Demo.
- Posts: 3
Well i've been looking through all the threads the past week since i've decided to go demo. I haven't seen a meta topic to where when it's best to pop it during each heroic boss fight. I know that meta is uncontrollable cd wise cause of IMD. So idk if just popping it off of cd with power torrent proc, DMC:Volcano proc, and any other extra mastery/intel increase is best. MWC also. That's the biggest thing i have an issue with cause the single target rotation and aoe rotation is easy. But i got one example question.
Let's say during a boss fight.....Best example would be Occuthar. I have my felhunter out after the first felstrom from my felguard for max dps. During the eye phase when they get spawned is it best to soulburn a felguard to aoe then hardcast a felhunter for single target dps? This type of situations are the areas that will increase anyones dps the most when they figure out these situations. It's kinda alot to ask out of you to give me some situations etc but i haven't experienced them yet really and i wanna do extremely well as demo and get ranked etc once my gear is better. I pull decent dps already but decent isn't the best. You can search me on WoW heroes if you like. Server:Kel Thuz US and my u in my name is alt 0250.
Let's say during a boss fight.....Best example would be Occuthar. I have my felhunter out after the first felstrom from my felguard for max dps. During the eye phase when they get spawned is it best to soulburn a felguard to aoe then hardcast a felhunter for single target dps? This type of situations are the areas that will increase anyones dps the most when they figure out these situations. It's kinda alot to ask out of you to give me some situations etc but i haven't experienced them yet really and i wanna do extremely well as demo and get ranked etc once my gear is better. I pull decent dps already but decent isn't the best. You can search me on WoW heroes if you like. Server:Kel Thuz US and my u in my name is alt 0250.
Re: New to Demo.
- Posts: 16
Is it a good idea to save demon soul to use when Meta comes off cooldown (and vice versa)? Or should each be used simply as it comes up? Main reason I ask is for hard clipping CoD and Corruption, not sure if I should only be doing that when both are up.
Re: New to Demo.
- Posts: 6
mannaroth wrote:Is it a good idea to save demon soul to use when Meta comes off cooldown (and vice versa)? Or should each be used simply as it comes up? Main reason I ask is for hard clipping CoD and Corruption, not sure if I should only be doing that when both are up.
Personally for me, I typically will wait about 20 seconds and not much more for Demon Soul to come off CD and then pop Meta. But it's extremely circumstantial. For example if the boss has very little health left of course you are gonna want to pop it. Or if Heroism just got popped you should probably go ahead and pop Meta. That's why it's so important for Demo Locks to REALLY know the fights. Because if you know you have time for at least 2 more Meta's while being able to wait 20 seconds or so for Demon Soul is very advantageous. It is very harmful to your DPS if you don't know about how long is left on a fight and whether or not you have the ability to wait or not for a CD.
7 posts -