Okay as the 4pc is giving us a major spell power boost for 10 seconds after we use soulburn and the shard is refunded upon using soulburn: Soulfire, what will demo be doing with their soul burn.
As it stands right now we use soulburns for instant summon pets so we can switch more easily between felguard and felhunter. From what I understand we start the fight with the felguard for demon soul purposes and after he's done felstorming we soulburn a felhunter. Should this continue we burn that soulshard and do not receive it back. Should we now soulburn: Soulfire and hardcast all of our pets (with the master summoner talent of course) or should we continue to soulburn: Felhunter and hardcast Felguard.
Just something i thought of and was wondering what the Warlocks of paragon thought of this possiblity.