Greetings guys!
I have read all your comments about this demo rotation post and it has been great to know all those stuff you've said! Now, I still have some doubts, today I just raided with a guy that my guild pugged cause one guildie couldn't come, and I felt like crap seeing this guy doing a lot dmg and FASTER than me, with relative less gear than me, this is my armory: ... r/advanced . I don't know how could he make great dmg so fast, like being top with melees, knowing that Demonlocks are like a turtle starting a fight, so I was wondering if I had something wrong with my rotation, which is:
1.- SB+CoE
2.- HoG+BoD
3.- (trigger Demon Soul) Immolate+Corruption
4.- Meta
5.- Spamming SB
And then refreshing HoG, Corruption, Immolate, etc. triggering Immolation and Shadowflame when possible, and also replacing SB with SF below at 25%.
I didn't know all these stuff about Mastery before the raid since I just read it now, (that's why I do not have MWC and I didn't bother about getting it), so I regemmed all my reckless with artful ones, and changed my Haste gear (I had H Leggings of Billowing Fire instead N Tier12 Leggings) and reforges for Mastery ones, cause I hated how slow I was, and since I realized last week that Hit cap it was no longer necessary. I reduced my Hit from 17% down to 13,6%, I tried on a Raider dummy to see what happened and in 5min (CoE debuff time) I just missed 3 times, that's ~0%, so I reforged everything to Haste and see how that goes in FL this week (raid buffed I was like almost 30% Haste <3<3<3 ), and well, it was like with the raiding dummy, on each boss I missed like 2-3 times, almost 0%, so, I don't know if should do that or keep my hit cap.
This time I could get my H T12 leggings, and well, I changed H Billowing Fire ones for these HT12 ones (just because of the 4set proc), and I remove my Mastery-into-Haste additional reforges after reading this post, so now I just reforged Critical into Haste or Mastery and not reforging anything into Hit, as you can see on my armory. Is that ok?
Sorry for the long post guys, but that warlock really made me feel like a stupid. I couldn't log WoL this time but I think one of the officers did it. If he did it I'll give you the log.
Demonology Rotation
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Re: Demonology Rotation
- Posts: 11
- Location: Caracas, Venezuela.
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