Affliction and Fel Flame; Useful?

Affliction and Fel Flame; Useful?

Post 23 Sep 2011 05:01

Avatar Nefaie
Posts: 14
I've been talking to some warlock friends lately and they're starting to say that they keep UA rolling with Fel Flame now. They say it goes a little something like Haunt > Fel Flame > Shadowbolt > other spells > Another Fel Flame etc Never using them in a row but useing them none the less. I'm starting to wonder if this is an actual DPS increase?
Everywhere I've read claims that casting a UA to refresh is better than Using a Fel Flame but the guides haven't been updated in a while. Would this actually be a slight DPS increase or should we still stick true to only using Fel Flame while moving or T11 4set proc.

Re: Affliction and Fel Flame; Useful?

Post 23 Sep 2011 06:59

User avatarHermanni
Posts: 341
This is a pretty common misconception for Affli/Destro. Answer is no, do not cast Fel Flame to sustain UA/Immolate, it is a DPS loss.

If you have to move, see if you can cast some instants (Corruption, Doom, Shadowflame, Soulburn: Soul Fire, Life Tap etc.) If absolutely nothing else is up then cast Fel Flame.