Hey Paragon Just curious about some questions.
I see all 3 of your warlocks are Demonology Right now It inspires me to play demo seeing you guys, Was My gear i can only get around 1840Haste cap with around 15.00 Points in Mastery =/ But if i went Full out I could most likely get around 18-19Points if i ditched haste for Mastery.
Currently im Just using Demonology for, Beth'tilca and Lord Rhyoloith I always thought it would be good for Baelroc to.
But what about Alyrazor,Shannox, Could you give me Any tips to maximise my Dps on these fights Shannox there a moderate amount of swapping targets and iv'e always thought Demonology was good for mainly single target Fights
Also with Alyrazor alot of changing targets so some questions :P
When do you Mainly use Metamorphis on Alyrazzor, I know for the phase when he lands down But what about on the druids/Birds.
Do you Multi Dot on Shannox Fight & Is it best on shannox just to keep using Metamorphis when It's CD Is Up.
On Bealroc Would you Pop Metamorphosis just as Bloodlust comes up to maximize the damage?
Right now i only have Rune of Zeth Or SoulCasket What would you find best? I'm also trying to get the Bealroc one what seems good.
Does doomguard do more damage the more mastery?
Thanks once again Paragon, Would prefer Advice of Paragon members for a more Accurate answer
Demonology For Firelands
Demonology For Firelands
- Posts: 12
Re: Demonology For Firelands
- Posts: 12
I can go 1063Haste and get myself 19.50Points Mastery Got the Goblin 1% What do you think of this?
Re: Demonology For Firelands
- Posts: 7
Just did alyz 10 hc as demo.
dmg overall kinda sux, but me and my partner still managed our adds, on our side, and then i hop in meta when she comes down and did the most dps (except for our mage who was flying).
I start with meta, but then i could pretty much just save it so it would be rdy for the burnout, since we had enough dps as it was.
Demo for rhyolith 10 hc is also nice. we had a caster heavy setup and 1 tank, and when we pushed him to phase 2, our tank took the spark and fragments was just md'ed to me and i popped meta and killed them alone, while the rest could focus on the legs.
next hc im gonna work on is baleroc, again as demo, since we are very casterheavy with no ele shammy.
Regarding meta use on that and BL, if u use BL at 30% or what ever u do, just try and time it with that and have your doomguard rdy, scales like crazy during bl+meta!
only did staghelm normal, but demo works fine for that aswell.
again only did Raggy on normal, and again, demo is nice. good aoe in p2.
dmg overall kinda sux, but me and my partner still managed our adds, on our side, and then i hop in meta when she comes down and did the most dps (except for our mage who was flying).
I start with meta, but then i could pretty much just save it so it would be rdy for the burnout, since we had enough dps as it was.
Demo for rhyolith 10 hc is also nice. we had a caster heavy setup and 1 tank, and when we pushed him to phase 2, our tank took the spark and fragments was just md'ed to me and i popped meta and killed them alone, while the rest could focus on the legs.
next hc im gonna work on is baleroc, again as demo, since we are very casterheavy with no ele shammy.
Regarding meta use on that and BL, if u use BL at 30% or what ever u do, just try and time it with that and have your doomguard rdy, scales like crazy during bl+meta!
only did staghelm normal, but demo works fine for that aswell.
again only did Raggy on normal, and again, demo is nice. good aoe in p2.
Re: Demonology For Firelands
- Posts: 12
Was expecting reply of one of the Paragon members but thanks Anyway :)
Alyrazzor i expected demo would not be very nice on the adds but i suppose aslong as you get them down in time it's fine And the burst damage in the Ground phase probally rocks.
Alyrazzor i expected demo would not be very nice on the adds but i suppose aslong as you get them down in time it's fine And the burst damage in the Ground phase probally rocks.
Re: Demonology For Firelands
- Posts: 155
Saving it for burn unless we're having low dps.When do you Mainly use Metamorphis on Alyrazzor, I know for the phase when he lands down But what about on the druids/Birds.
Do you Multi Dot on Shannox Fight
You don't kill the dogs so I see no reason to multidot.
Is it best on shannox just to keep using Metamorphis when It's CD Is Up.
Depends if you have chalice or if you have trouble with the 30% frenzy.
On Bealroc Would you Pop Metamorphosis just as Bloodlust comes up to maximize the damage?
zethRight now i only have Rune of Zeth Or SoulCasket What would you find best? I'm also trying to get the Bealroc one what seems good.
Does doomguard do more damage the more mastery?
Goddamn, this fissure skill is inaccurate.
Re: Demonology For Firelands
- Posts: 12
Awsome response thanks!
Right now im 1486 Haste rating (goblin) with 17.47Points in mastery,
I can get 19.50Points And have around 1000Haste rating what is better.
Right now im 1486 Haste rating (goblin) with 17.47Points in mastery,
I can get 19.50Points And have around 1000Haste rating what is better.
Re: Demonology For Firelands
- Posts: 2
First of all, since is my first post here, congratz on everything you've done so far.
Gz on ragnaros kill, loved all the rage at the end of the video and that 'SATANNAH' yell! XD
I would like as well an awnser to what Lvz asked before:
I've been having some haste/mastery issues. Dont know if i should reach a 'soft haste' cap or just go full mastery. I would like to know if Demonology is my best option with the gear i currently have.
With the gear i have if i go full mastery i get like 10% haste. Is it a viable choise?
Here's my armory page: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/lightnings-blade/nahte/simple
Thanks and keep up the good work.
Gz on ragnaros kill, loved all the rage at the end of the video and that 'SATANNAH' yell! XD
I would like as well an awnser to what Lvz asked before:
- Code: Select all
Right now im 1486 Haste rating (goblin) with 17.47Points in mastery,
I can get 19.50Points And have around 1000Haste rating what is better.
I've been having some haste/mastery issues. Dont know if i should reach a 'soft haste' cap or just go full mastery. I would like to know if Demonology is my best option with the gear i currently have.
With the gear i have if i go full mastery i get like 10% haste. Is it a viable choise?
Here's my armory page: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/lightnings-blade/nahte/simple
Thanks and keep up the good work.
Re: Demonology For Firelands
- Posts: 27
- Location: US-Azralon
I would advise you guys to download and learn to use Simulationcraft: http://code.google.com/p/simulationcraft/
Along with http://chardev.org/ , you can easily tweak your character and import it to simcraft, simulate and see what gives the best results. I'm pretty sure Paragon guys use this technique as well, since I've read them mentioning Simcraft in this forum before.
Along with http://chardev.org/ , you can easily tweak your character and import it to simcraft, simulate and see what gives the best results. I'm pretty sure Paragon guys use this technique as well, since I've read them mentioning Simcraft in this forum before.
8 posts -