Demonology - build

Demonology - build

Post 05 Jun 2011 09:15

Avatar tremenda
Posts: 4
Hello ! My name is Trem and the reason im posting this is because i wud love whenever Jubeto (mainly) has a few moments to check and point out the mistakes in my build . Atm i am running as demonology in a 10 man raid setup and i feel i am not pulling as much as i should be , mainly on the single target & failry stationary fights with reduced movement . The itemization that i posses atm forced me to have build my warlock as you can see on the link here .I went for the 1996 haste rating to boost my aoe dps , but i was required to gem alot of 20int + 20 haste instead of pure 40 int gems to reach this treshold.
i will atach aswel a WoL report :
As and ending to this post i will also mention that rotation wise , proc and ability timeing is as good as u can do it.

Re: Demonology - build

Post 07 Jun 2011 10:30

User avatarJubeto
Posts: 155
Compare your own log with ... 04&e=13212
Make notes from the damage by spell and buffs gained section and you'll soon figure what has gone wrong.

Goddamn, this fissure skill is inaccurate.

Re: Demonology - build

Post 07 Jun 2011 11:14

Avatar tremenda
Posts: 4
Thanks alot Jubeto. I have compared them , and i did point out alot of mistakes soon to be fixed .I apreciate u posting a reply here .Good luck and keep the amazing job up.