Hi dear warlocks :)
I'm just thinking about good spec for me. I couldnt find a good one but finally i had chosen the affliction one. Here is my armory:
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/c ... kaa/simple
I have a big question to affliction locks from paragon. How the rotation should looks like. I'm using demon's sould -> Curse of elements -> haunt -> BoA -> Corr -> UA and as a filter i use shadow bolt. On single target dummie i do about 15k dps. I think it's low. Friend told me that every good players of affliction plays on 2 targets using soul swap to replaces the dots on other target. Is that true ? Please give me some advice on idk.. Maybe magmaw? Some bosses on hc : ) I would be very greatful.
Thanks a lot,
best regards,
Affliction DPS
Affliction DPS
- Posts: 1
Re: Affliction DPS
- Posts: 155
Read some guide about the basics before asking questions. However I'm going to copypaste my reply regarding V&T which is about soulswapping etc:
"The dps is quite equal between destro and affli on 2 targets, or at least at V&T. I'd choose the spec for the fight depending on your group buffs you get.
Bod is better than boa and you don't really lose anything except a gcd in the pull because you can't just soul swap everything to the second target, but you win that gcd back and gain many more later in the fight thanks to doom's duration. You won't be able to soul swap when valiona flies by breathing, so you'll have to cast ua and corr (or haunt to keep SE running). You'll lose soul swap exhale damage which is 3.5-4k 8k if it crits, but if you used agony instead you'd refresh it on half duration and you wouldn't see the bigger ticks towards the end which pretty much makes the situation equal. I don't honestly see many reasons why to skip doom really. Probably the biggest problem would be unable to refresh both SE (with haunt) and UA when valiona flies over, casting 2 non-instant spells during that is quite difficult but not impossible. If you have problems with shadow embrace you can start using boa after the doom from earlier phase has expired, remember to swap back to doom when you're done with the fly phase but let the boa tick its damage before you swap back to bod.
With my gear 1 BoD does 9k more damage than 2 BoAs, sure that is just 56s of boa but still you save one gcd per minute on other stuff.
Edit: I was probably having some brainfart when I was thinking this out, I completely ignored the fact that I'd have to refresh BoA on the secondary target if I used doom. In fact with BoD you would be having 1 GCD less in a minute than a soul swapper, so the situation would be equal. However there was another thing I quite didn't consider. Instead of spending a GCD on corruption you can refresh it with drain life. So the BoD guy does more dps worth 3s of drain life. The target doesn't have haunt up so no extra 23% damage from that and a recent hotfix nerfed drain life by 25%. There is a lot of room for human error when using doom, soul swap looks like an efficient and easy way out."
"The dps is quite equal between destro and affli on 2 targets, or at least at V&T. I'd choose the spec for the fight depending on your group buffs you get.
Bod is better than boa and you don't really lose anything except a gcd in the pull because you can't just soul swap everything to the second target, but you win that gcd back and gain many more later in the fight thanks to doom's duration. You won't be able to soul swap when valiona flies by breathing, so you'll have to cast ua and corr (or haunt to keep SE running). You'll lose soul swap exhale damage which is 3.5-4k 8k if it crits, but if you used agony instead you'd refresh it on half duration and you wouldn't see the bigger ticks towards the end which pretty much makes the situation equal. I don't honestly see many reasons why to skip doom really. Probably the biggest problem would be unable to refresh both SE (with haunt) and UA when valiona flies over, casting 2 non-instant spells during that is quite difficult but not impossible. If you have problems with shadow embrace you can start using boa after the doom from earlier phase has expired, remember to swap back to doom when you're done with the fly phase but let the boa tick its damage before you swap back to bod.
With my gear 1 BoD does 9k more damage than 2 BoAs, sure that is just 56s of boa but still you save one gcd per minute on other stuff.
Edit: I was probably having some brainfart when I was thinking this out, I completely ignored the fact that I'd have to refresh BoA on the secondary target if I used doom. In fact with BoD you would be having 1 GCD less in a minute than a soul swapper, so the situation would be equal. However there was another thing I quite didn't consider. Instead of spending a GCD on corruption you can refresh it with drain life. So the BoD guy does more dps worth 3s of drain life. The target doesn't have haunt up so no extra 23% damage from that and a recent hotfix nerfed drain life by 25%. There is a lot of room for human error when using doom, soul swap looks like an efficient and easy way out."
Goddamn, this fissure skill is inaccurate.
2 posts -