Hi guys!
I'm a Destruction Warlock from Latinamerica (Venezuela). I just wanted to ask you some doubts that I have with my rotation, because I don't know why it is that low (~ 14-16k). I wanted to send you a PM (Diivil, Manni, Jubeto) but since you have them disabled I have to write you by here :s ... Anyway, this is how I do it (on bosses of course):
1.- I start with CoE
2.- Immolate
3.- Corruption
4.- Conflagrate
5.- Chaos Bolt
6.- BoD
7.- Soul Fire (to get the buff)
8.- And start spamming Incinerate
Then I start to keep the debuff continuously doing dmg as soon as they're ending. Normally the first one is Conflagrate, then Immolate (I reactivate it with Fel Flame -just once-, then I start it over instead spamming FF), then CB and then Corruption. When available I use Shadowflame and Shadowburn. This is my armory link: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/m ... y/advanced
So, idk what am I doing wrong, if I have to stop using some skill, or if I haven't realized something extra that I obviously don't know, or if just I'm totally bad gemmed/stated. So, if you could help me with something I would REALLY appreciate it. By now, I can't go into raids with my guild because they think my dps its too slow, all of them do like 20k+. I know you are better than them, but, since I'm not on a EU realm, it can't be helped :s
Oh, btw, I also use some extra dmg stuff like +90 stats food and volcanic pots, and use DI on ppl that dmg the most with dots (such as hunters, spriests and fire mages)
Once again, thanks.
Frustrated with doubts
Frustrated with doubts
- Posts: 11
- Location: Caracas, Venezuela.
Re: Frustrated with doubts
- Posts: 341
Hi Nahily,
I'll try to give you an overview on how to improve. Try to start like this against a single target.
1. Skip the CoE if you have UH DK, Assas rogue, Balance or Jinx in raid
2. Open by precasting Soul Fire when your tank is about to pull, or if your tank is loco and always pulls unexpectedly use Soulburn.
3. Hit BoD while your Slow Fire is flying towards the boss and start casting Immolate. Then, assuming you get no funny procs, continue with:
4. Conflagrate
5. Corruption
6. Shadowflame, but only if you are already close enough or can get there without losing casting time, otherwise it's not worth it against a single target.
7. Demon Soul
8. Chaos Bolt
9. Inciner8
It's not the full "rotation", but that is generally how you should open most of the time. Also I'm not sure what debuff you're talking about. But, you shouldn't normally cast Fel Flame at all unless you have to move and got no other cool instants available, or when you have 4pcT11 up and not too much duration left on Immol8. Also, you should try to start recasting Soul Fire so it has time to finish casting and land before the Improved Soul Fire buff drops from you so you don't land spells without the ISF modifier. There's been some talk about delaying your Empowered Imp procs depending on your ISF duration, but at least when I simmed it on my profile it showed slightly better results about just firing it right when EI procced.
About your armory, it's mostly ok but your gems are just horrible. Only gems you really should consider using are int/int+haste/int+hit, and you should basically just gem +40 int to every slot, unless the socket bonus gives you +20 int for one non-red gem, like for example you should have +67 int and +20int/+20hit gems in your robes where you get +20int bonus. Actually, you should probably put pure int gems everywhere but your robes.
I'll try to give you an overview on how to improve. Try to start like this against a single target.
1. Skip the CoE if you have UH DK, Assas rogue, Balance or Jinx in raid
2. Open by precasting Soul Fire when your tank is about to pull, or if your tank is loco and always pulls unexpectedly use Soulburn.
3. Hit BoD while your Slow Fire is flying towards the boss and start casting Immolate. Then, assuming you get no funny procs, continue with:
4. Conflagrate
5. Corruption
6. Shadowflame, but only if you are already close enough or can get there without losing casting time, otherwise it's not worth it against a single target.
7. Demon Soul
8. Chaos Bolt
9. Inciner8
It's not the full "rotation", but that is generally how you should open most of the time. Also I'm not sure what debuff you're talking about. But, you shouldn't normally cast Fel Flame at all unless you have to move and got no other cool instants available, or when you have 4pcT11 up and not too much duration left on Immol8. Also, you should try to start recasting Soul Fire so it has time to finish casting and land before the Improved Soul Fire buff drops from you so you don't land spells without the ISF modifier. There's been some talk about delaying your Empowered Imp procs depending on your ISF duration, but at least when I simmed it on my profile it showed slightly better results about just firing it right when EI procced.
About your armory, it's mostly ok but your gems are just horrible. Only gems you really should consider using are int/int+haste/int+hit, and you should basically just gem +40 int to every slot, unless the socket bonus gives you +20 int for one non-red gem, like for example you should have +67 int and +20int/+20hit gems in your robes where you get +20int bonus. Actually, you should probably put pure int gems everywhere but your robes.
Re: Frustrated with doubts
- Posts: 11
- Location: Caracas, Venezuela.
Hmmm... so, if I'm standing I should use normal Immolate instead reactivating it with FF? I normally reactivate it just once, because of the dmg it does when casted. With "debuff" I meant the: Immolate, BoD, etc... debuffs for the boss, you know? Oh, and yes, I understand perfectly what you say about gems, but, if I do that, all my hit and haste will go down, so, I'm not pretty sure if I should do that with the gear I have. Normally I would do that if all my gear have hit/haste, but since it is not like that I have to lvl up hit/haste, especially for Demo (2nd spec), man that's a powerful spec but without haste its alike a damn turtle -.-
Well, I'm going to try that Manni. I'll regem everything and reforged all into Hit, once I'm capped I'll go with Haste and see how it goes.
Thank you SO much Manni, I REALLY appreciate it. Maybe I'll comeback again if I have some trouble with Demo rotation =). As far as I do it, I THINK I have no problem, I just need badly haste (for SB) as I told you b4. Oh, btw dude, you know that HoG refreshes automatically Immolate, I always try to keep HoG active because of the buff, I use the Succubus just like Diivil, because she does a lot of dmg, and when she does critdmg, she can do up to 10k, so, the question is: should I reactivate the Immolate with HoG or with FF? Or, as I do now, I "cheat" a little bit, when I'm casting HoG, just like half second before casting it I use FF, that way I always have the Immolation active and use the extra dmg from FF.
For Demo my rotation is:
1.- HoG
2.- before completing the HoG cast, I trigger BoD
3.- Immolate + Soul Demon
4.- Corruption
5.- Start spamming SB
And of course, always using Shadowflame when possible and refreshing SD every 2 min.
Well, I'm going to try that Manni. I'll regem everything and reforged all into Hit, once I'm capped I'll go with Haste and see how it goes.
Thank you SO much Manni, I REALLY appreciate it. Maybe I'll comeback again if I have some trouble with Demo rotation =). As far as I do it, I THINK I have no problem, I just need badly haste (for SB) as I told you b4. Oh, btw dude, you know that HoG refreshes automatically Immolate, I always try to keep HoG active because of the buff, I use the Succubus just like Diivil, because she does a lot of dmg, and when she does critdmg, she can do up to 10k, so, the question is: should I reactivate the Immolate with HoG or with FF? Or, as I do now, I "cheat" a little bit, when I'm casting HoG, just like half second before casting it I use FF, that way I always have the Immolation active and use the extra dmg from FF.
For Demo my rotation is:
1.- HoG
2.- before completing the HoG cast, I trigger BoD
3.- Immolate + Soul Demon
4.- Corruption
5.- Start spamming SB
And of course, always using Shadowflame when possible and refreshing SD every 2 min.
3 posts -