Hello there, would really appreciate some help here.
My gear is pretty much okey, but I've seen logs with warlocks with worse gear than I have push 500-1000 more dps than I do with the same buffs.
Log from a pretty horrible raid but I didnt do that much different than I usually do.
http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/a9rn ... 474&e=2681
I'm specced demo to benefit the raid and it aint the best dps specc, still I know I should be able to push out some more dmg.
I'm always keeping immolate and corruption up on the target and spamming Sbolt as a filler, and soul fire as execute. Trying to minimize my movement so I can throw some more Sbolt on the target and time meta with trinket procs and bloodlust, but not risk missing the meta below 35%, but the dps I've done the past 2-3 months is pretty embarrassing.
Armory link : http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... e&cn=Craxs
Any help is appreciated, a new spec, if I should gem different to increase both Pdps and Rdps. Anything.
Regards Craxs
Low dps but no idea what to do.
Re: Low dps but no idea what to do.
- Posts: 341
Hello Craxs,
Regarding your spec, you should lose the points from Fel Synergy and Mana Feed for 3/3 Demonic Brutality.
You pretty much nailed the basics to demo in your post, but you might want to do a bit of honing with the excecution. One thing you should be aware of is that you don't need to use Curse of Elements if there is an Unholy Death Knight or a Balance Druid in your raid and you can switch to using Doom instead.
There seem to be two more general things you might look into to improve your performance. Firstly, your DoT uptimes could use some improving. Never forget, Immolate is your highest damage spell and only situation in which refreshing Corruption isn't worth it is when you have both Molten Core and Decimation up if my memory serves right.
The other thing would be your own auras. From the logs it seemed to me like you missed quite a few Molten Core procs, and your Life Tap uptime isn't as high as it should be. I have a feeling this might just be sort of an UI issue for you and you might not be seeing them properly, and I'd recommend you to for example getting PowerAuras or NeedToKnow to track them if you don't have either yet. You might want to for example have a look at my UI, where I have Life Tap uptime near my cast bar, and the PowerAuras icon jumps up as an additional reminder when I have < 5 seconds left. When I played Demonology, the Molten Core icon and stack indicator were on the middle-right hand side so I'd never miss it.
For a final tip I would like you to make sure that when you use Metamorphosis (and your potions), you shouldn't do it by finishing a spellcast, then pressing A to activate Meta and then B to cast your next spell. Meta and potions aren't on a global cooldown and whatever time you spend between pressing A and B is potentially wasted casting time. You should either activate them when you are on a global cooldown from another spellcast (Life Tap is good as doing it before Meta ensures you don't have to cast it again for the glyph during Meta) or by macroing it into a a few of your most common spellcasts and then choosing the right macro for the situation when you're going to pop Meta. I wouldn't recommend macroing it into your normal casting routine though or you'll end up using it when you don't want to. I'd also recommend using the method #2 because you'll lose some casting time from Meta uptime by activating it on a global.
Regarding your spec, you should lose the points from Fel Synergy and Mana Feed for 3/3 Demonic Brutality.
You pretty much nailed the basics to demo in your post, but you might want to do a bit of honing with the excecution. One thing you should be aware of is that you don't need to use Curse of Elements if there is an Unholy Death Knight or a Balance Druid in your raid and you can switch to using Doom instead.
There seem to be two more general things you might look into to improve your performance. Firstly, your DoT uptimes could use some improving. Never forget, Immolate is your highest damage spell and only situation in which refreshing Corruption isn't worth it is when you have both Molten Core and Decimation up if my memory serves right.
The other thing would be your own auras. From the logs it seemed to me like you missed quite a few Molten Core procs, and your Life Tap uptime isn't as high as it should be. I have a feeling this might just be sort of an UI issue for you and you might not be seeing them properly, and I'd recommend you to for example getting PowerAuras or NeedToKnow to track them if you don't have either yet. You might want to for example have a look at my UI, where I have Life Tap uptime near my cast bar, and the PowerAuras icon jumps up as an additional reminder when I have < 5 seconds left. When I played Demonology, the Molten Core icon and stack indicator were on the middle-right hand side so I'd never miss it.
For a final tip I would like you to make sure that when you use Metamorphosis (and your potions), you shouldn't do it by finishing a spellcast, then pressing A to activate Meta and then B to cast your next spell. Meta and potions aren't on a global cooldown and whatever time you spend between pressing A and B is potentially wasted casting time. You should either activate them when you are on a global cooldown from another spellcast (Life Tap is good as doing it before Meta ensures you don't have to cast it again for the glyph during Meta) or by macroing it into a a few of your most common spellcasts and then choosing the right macro for the situation when you're going to pop Meta. I wouldn't recommend macroing it into your normal casting routine though or you'll end up using it when you don't want to. I'd also recommend using the method #2 because you'll lose some casting time from Meta uptime by activating it on a global.
Re: Low dps but no idea what to do.
- Posts: 5
Huge thanks Manni, I am currently using Forte Exorcist spelltimer but yes, as you said, powerauras is pretty much the best addon to track dots, procs, cooldowns etc.
So I'll start working on that part.
And I'll work on the potion+meta slack.
1 more question though.
In a situation where you see your corruption fall of your target, but you have 3 sec cd left for hyperspeed accelerators, would you cast 2 shadowbolts, used the hyperspeed accelerators and then cast corruption, or would you cast corruption right away?
This is assuming that you had glyph of quick decay ofcourse.
So I'll start working on that part.
And I'll work on the potion+meta slack.
1 more question though.
In a situation where you see your corruption fall of your target, but you have 3 sec cd left for hyperspeed accelerators, would you cast 2 shadowbolts, used the hyperspeed accelerators and then cast corruption, or would you cast corruption right away?
This is assuming that you had glyph of quick decay ofcourse.
Re: Low dps but no idea what to do.
- Posts: 5
Thanks for the helpful info and tips.
Now Im off to slay some dragons and push more dps.
I wish you luck with whatever you want, and when cataclysm arrives.
I will not learn finnish just to join your guild, so stop spamming.
Now Im off to slay some dragons and push more dps.
I wish you luck with whatever you want, and when cataclysm arrives.
I will not learn finnish just to join your guild, so stop spamming.
5 posts -