So recently I rerolled holy and im useing the comon geming/gear/spec aka hast/mp5 > hast/crit or crit/haste , 2 tier pice head/shoulders to counter DP , libram of reduce HL cost , int gem with 1 nightmare..etc.
I recently noticed some Wol/movies where holy paladins in fights like LK 25 hm or putricide use flash of light alot if not all the time .On a side note they had the legendary from uld Val'anyr.
I myself always used holy light exept for things like handeling infest if a priest failed to shield someone in 10 man or putri where i am the red oze target and i can only holy shock and instant fol.But i prefer holy light even for raid heal due to the aoe heal even if its not smart heal and the way bigger heals it throws.
So im wondering , is Fol a competitiv heal in high end raiding even when you have the time to cast HL ? Do you use Fol to raid heal mostly or do you belive HL is better even with the increas mana/cast time cuz it means more heal and aoe healing ?
This question is adresed to any paladin reading this forum that can actualy tell why and not only : X is better .
Also im not realy sure about how good is Fol vs HL on Lk 25 hm since is the only fight i havent completed or even try . But im asking since we might try it in 2-3weeks ? And by that time i want to be sure im doing the best.
Holy paladin and flash of light
Holy paladin and flash of light
- Posts: 2
Re: Holy paladin and flash of light
- Posts: 1
There is no point in using holy light to heal someone to full if your flash of light will do the same thing just faster and using less mana. Well that my opinion anyway :P
Re: Holy paladin and flash of light
- Posts: 317
I use fol in the phase of LK where you stand on the edge if I'm low on mana. Otherwise practically always HL. There's a good chance that the target will take more damage before you heal lands and you get the splash from GoHL.
Re: Holy paladin and flash of light
- Posts: 2
DiamondTear wrote:I use fol in the phase of LK where you stand on the edge if I'm low on mana. Otherwise practically always HL. There's a good chance that the target will take more damage before you heal lands and you get the splash from GoHL.
well thats exactly how i was thinking but i saw a Wol ( cant find link amt )
2 holydin with va'anyr on 15 or 10% buff LK 25 hm kill that had like 20% healing HL 45% Fol and well rest was val'anyr shield or holy shock.
Edit : Thats called transition phase i think :d and I never had mana problem there but than again i never did or killed the Hardmode and im an eng so + 1200 mana for me :D
4 posts -