Pala tank threat
Pala tank threat
- Posts: 1
I just want to ask what would be best paladin tank threat talent build and glyphs on it. I got some threat problems with our other tank which is warrior. He makes too much threat for me so i just ask if u got answer for my problem? Thanks anyways
Re: Pala tank threat
- Posts: 3
one of the biggest things that will help you with generating threat as a prot pally is the glyph sence undead. this seal increaces your undead damage by 1%. it seems tiny but considering each enemy in icc is undead and each attack and ability for a pally is already getting the 80% more threat for holy damage. you in a sence get 81% for anything you do. this can be a substantial difference in threat. also one build that works for tanks that are starting out is a 5/55/11. ... f0z:Npkcmz
but this build is more for those who are unexperianced and learning how to generate more threat. if you are a more advanced tank. and have a about 40k+ unbuffed i would recomend my current build. especially if you love great aoe threat. the perpose of this build is to mearly crit. when you crit with your higher threat abilities you actually double the threat also. so what in therory you are doing is doubleing your threat. also you use seal of command for all trash. and seal of vengance or corruption for bosses for it gernerates .5% more threat on bosses with this build. ... t0c:Npccmz for those with mana issues ... t0c:Npkcmz those who have no mana problems
i hope this has helped. this is Devineloyd of US Kilrogg. hoping you kick LK butt. and have fun playing.
but this build is more for those who are unexperianced and learning how to generate more threat. if you are a more advanced tank. and have a about 40k+ unbuffed i would recomend my current build. especially if you love great aoe threat. the perpose of this build is to mearly crit. when you crit with your higher threat abilities you actually double the threat also. so what in therory you are doing is doubleing your threat. also you use seal of command for all trash. and seal of vengance or corruption for bosses for it gernerates .5% more threat on bosses with this build. ... t0c:Npccmz for those with mana issues ... t0c:Npkcmz those who have no mana problems
i hope this has helped. this is Devineloyd of US Kilrogg. hoping you kick LK butt. and have fun playing.
2 posts -