Another pally tank question for the professionals :)

Another pally tank question for the professionals :)

Post 02 May 2010 09:50

Avatar Valleron
Posts: 8
IM looking at Laziel's glyph's and im wondering why he has the salvation glyph. Another damage mitigation cooldown awesome! But if used would i lose agro? What situation would this be viable? Thank you. Again.

I run a great guild ( the members are doing great) 11/12 normal in 4 1/2 hours. Stuck on LK but time to step it up a notch starting with me.

Re: Another pally tank question for the professionals :)

Post 20 May 2010 00:59

Avatar Cassyboy
Posts: 8
There are 4 main reasons. And no, I'm not a Paragon tank.

1. Threat shouldn't be an issue with misdirects

2. For hardmodes an other 20% shield wall is great, as you mentioned

3. Remember, it doesn't reduce threat generated by 20%, it reduces your total threat by 2% every second.

4. You can always use cancelaura macros if threat is such an issue.