Hello Paragon, i just got the axe from LK 10 on my alt, (tanking axe)
I have no idea what i should enchant it with ?? what do you think ?
Blade ward ?
Moongose ?
Blood draining ?
The paladin in Ensidia i saw used moongose and the paladin in Paragon i saw used blood draining.
I am kind of clueless what i should do so can anyone of u palas help me =) ?
Paladin enchant weapon ?
Paladin enchant weapon ?
- Posts: 14
Re: Paladin enchant weapon ?
- Posts: 8
Progression tanking you almost always want Blood Draining as a paladin. Blood Draining gives you the most EH (Effective Health) and EH is one of the most important stats in ICC especially with the -20% dodge. Also as a paladin, with your Ardent Defender and Blood Draining combined its a get out of jail free card, especially when you get hit for 1/3 of your health from an unmitigated attack in ICC HMs
Re: Paladin enchant weapon ?
- Posts: 8
Cymba wrote:Progression tanking you almost always want Blood Draining as a paladin. Blood Draining gives you the most EH (Effective Health) and EH is one of the most important stats in ICC especially with the -20% dodge. Also as a paladin, with your Ardent Defender and Blood Draining combined its a get out of jail free card, especially when you get hit for 1/3 of your health from an unmitigated attack in ICC HMs
Healing isn't effective health, you can only count absorbtion into account. Also -20% dodge or not, a 3% avoidance stays a 3% avoidance. The -20% dodge doesn't affect the value of avoidance.
Although I do agree that in some situations Blood Draining is better due to the fact that major damage at some encounter isn't avoidable, but I would go for Blade Ward or Blood Draining, if I were you.
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